Applied and Practice

An Applied and Practice article provides actionable ideas about how to start, manage, grow or fund a new venture. It should be written to appeal to entrepreneurs, managers, students, policymakers and other players.  Its emphasis should be providing skills, insights and knowledge to help readers achieve success. 

Length: <3,000 words

# of Reviewers: 2

Building a Stronger Supply Chain: Lessons From the Crisis

Part one of a two-part series. Read part 2 here Two questions currently dominate the emerging post Covid-19 economy.  Most immediately: When will I get what I ordered? More long term: How Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: David Johnston

What Makes Founders Leave Their Companies?

Correctly timing a chief executive officer’s (CEO) succession is very important for firms, because CEO transition sends important signals to investors about the future of the firm’s strategy and Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Joon Mahn Lee , Dalee Yoon and Steven Boivie

Retirement Options and their Consequences for Small Business Owners

Pierre, a Swiss bakery co-owner for four decades, left his business behind when he reached age 65, the eligible retirement age in Switzerland. He was looking forward to leaving seven-day workweeks Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Valeria Alterman and Ariane Froidevaux

Seven Strategies to Survive the Post-Pandemic Labor Shortage

Small and medium-sized family businesses, which employed a large proportion of the labor force before the COVID-19 pandemic, are reeling from the post-pandemic challenge of retaining current staff Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Roland Kidwell and Victor Boyi

Software is Eating the Software That's Eating the World

I n 2011, Marc Andreessen famously wrote a prescient claim that “software is eating the world.” His prediction was that software companies would disrupt traditional industries and since then, Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Jon Eckhardt

Divorce Can Hollow out a Family Business — But it Doesn’t Have to

With Bill and Melinda Gates’ divorce making headlines across the globe, many are wondering how the split will affect their joint business dealings — especially the Gates Foundation, which they Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Kimberly Eddleston and Jonas Ruzek

Innovating With Agility: Tips and Tricks for Resurgence and Growth

Part two of a two-part series. As new cases of COVID-19 emerge around the world (as of late July, 2021), the disease continues to remind us that the only certainty is uncertainty -- a theme I Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Mat Hughes

The Best Family Business Boards Embrace Candor and 'Necessary Endings'

Second of a two-part series From our studies evaluating the effectiveness of boards at family firms, we’ve seen first-hand how strong boards can help family businesses be more successful. In Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Claudia Binz Astrachan , Joseph Astrachan and Hermut Kormann

How Entrepreneurs Can Thaw Their Frozen Social Networks

Networks are one of the most important resources entrepreneurs can have. Indeed, one of the few consistent findings in entrepreneurship research is that networks matter. Entrepreneurs with bigger and Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Ben Spigel and Kautsar Ramli

Getting Your Family Business Ready for the 'New Normal'

Part one of two Eighteen months into the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing signs of a return to something resembling normality. Vaccination programs are now underway at a substantial pace, and Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Mat Hughes