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My Life as a Globe-Trotting Solo Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship comes in different forms, and the experience of being a solo entrepreneur - or a “company of one” - is a form that’s attracting a great deal of interest today. In this Q&A Read More...

Category: Interviews

Authors: Sarah Lempa and Daniel Forbes

Family Businesses Can Help One Another

Measures to “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as limiting public gatherings and forcing the extended closure of non-essential businesses, have created one of the direst threats Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Theodore L. Waldron and James C Wetherbe

The 5 Mortal Sins of New Product Development

  Sometimes an innovator or new company has an idea for a product that seems to have blockbuster potential -- only to fizzle and flop.  Why does this happen? In this interview with EIX's Read More...

Category: Interviews

Author: Kimberly Eddleston

My Entrepreneurship Journey: Ireland to the Middle East and America

I grew up in Ireland, and my family hails from Ballyhaunis in County Mayo. Dad was a small business owner, who used his trusty cab to provide service to our neighbors. Dad provided my first exposure Read More...

Category: Case Studies

Authors: Kieran Folliard and Eapen Chacko

The Power of 'Wow' to Attract New Customers

  Years ago, millions of consumers discovered something that they never knew they needed: TIVO, which ultimately would change the way they watched television and disrupt an entire industry. That Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Eden Blair

Intuition Isn't Enough for Entrepreneurs

  Entrepreneurial legends like Steve Jobs -- who created blockbuster products without asking anyone if they wanted them – anticipated the market. Many other entrepreneurs have great ideas that Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Sharon Alvarez , Kathleen Allen and Lars Oddsson

Talk With Real Customers Before the Launch

  As online crowdsourcing has shown, people will support a proposed business or cause that moves them. For entrepreneurs, the ability to test a proposed product or service's uniqueness and Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Kimberly Eddleston and Dan Holland

Helping Students Shake Up the Marketing Mix

Sleepovers at mattress stores, banks that allow depositors to set their own maturity dates on certificates of deposits, a bowling alley that charges by the number of pins that the bowler knocks Read More...

Category: Education and Teaching

Author: Michael Morris

Retooling Products to Reach New Markets: The Lindt Candy Dilemma

The purpose of this exercise is to help entrepreneurship students understand the importance of retooling products to reach new markets. In this exercise students are required to generate and then Read More...

Category: Education and Teaching

Author: Kimberly Eddleston

FedEx: Obtaining Corporate Sponsored Research

Corporate funding helps make business/entrepreneurial research relevance and practicality by ensuring market value of the results (Eckhardt and Wetherbe). However, many university Read More...

Category: Case Studies

Author: James C Wetherbe