How to start a business

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Our Best Advice on Using AI to Grow Your Business

Just two years ago, generative AI was not on anyone's radar. But today, it promises to be one of the most disruptive forces in the business world in the future. We have seen it in our own Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Mat Hughes and David Townsend

A Crash Course in Hiring Your Startup's First Employees

It is always exciting when a startup grows big enough to hire beyond the founding team. It can also be frightening for the founders, because being an employer means new responsibilities: Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Gavin Williamson

Mid-Career Plot Twist: Opening a Bookstore

  Across the whole of America they come: the lawyers and financiers, marketers and architects, librarians (of course) and writers and teachers. In a second — or even third — career, they are Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Ellen Ryan

How to Turn a Hobby Into a Business

Courtney Burton has spent most of her career in the retail industry. She was a merchant for several major companies, including Target, CVS, Albertson's and Lane Bryant. For the last 11 years of her Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Chris Farrell

A Sweet Dream Comes True

Maureen and Jim Elitzak are known around Scottsdale, Arizona, for their exquisite bonbons, bars, brownies and caramels, which can be found at Zak's Chocolate , the shiny shop where they make Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Ellen Ryan

How to Handle the Stress of Entrepreneurship

Many older Americans dream about working for themselves. Yet new business owners often find entrepreneurship stressful, especially during the lean start-up years. Fortunately, experts say that while Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Nancy Collamer

Remote Work, Financing and AI Were Top-10 Topics in 2023

Entrepreneur and Innovation Exchange (EIX) aspires to be the #1 peer-reviewed resource for thought leadership in entrepreneurship and innovation for students, practitioners, and professors. To Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Jon Eckhardt

Opportunities Abound in Africa for Entrepreneurs and Investors

Meet Jean-Paul Nageri, the son to a banana farmer in Uganda. During the early-2020 harvest, JP's dad planned to use a middleman for distribution, but the deal fell through, leaving him with one acre Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Margaret Ntambi and Ona Aliakai

From Riches to Rags and Back: One Entrepreneur's Heartfelt Journey

Many entrepreneurs dream of the day when their hard work pays off with riches and financial security.  For Grant Muller, that day came before he was age 30, when the startup he was involved in Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Grant Muller

Startups Need Both Profound Beliefs and Customer Input

  In the early stages of a startup your hypotheses about all the parts of your business model are your profound beliefs. Think of profound beliefs as “strong opinions loosely held.” You Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Steve Blank