How to start a business
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New and unproven? Fake it and you are more likely to make it. More than five decades ago, celebrated sociologist Arthur Stinchcombe coined the term “liability of newness” to depict the Read More...
Category: Applied and Practice
Author: Howard E. Aldrich
Entrepreneurs have several options when they need capital to get a venture going: family and friends, angel investors and venture capitalists. Growthfire LLC's Eapen Chacko, an advisor Read More...
Category: Commentary
Author: Eapen Chacko
Business accelerators are a relatively new source of potential support for startup companies. These organizations provide financing and services to entrepreneurs who are forming or are operating Read More...
Category: Applied and Practice
Author: Jon Eckhardt
As digital technologies continue to fuel the rise of new companies around the world, it's easy to presume that raising money is the startups’ biggest challenge. But a larger and often-overlooked Read More...
Category: Applied and Practice
Author: Robert Buday
Women who start new businesses with men have limited opportunities to move into leadership roles, according to a study we conducted at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and when they Read More...
Category: Commentary
Author: Howard E. Aldrich
Dick Schulze, the founder of Best Buy and EIX, shares his experiences as an entrepreneur and innovator, including how he tripled his income from his boyhood paper route; quit a retail job when his Read More...
Category: Interviews
Author: James C Wetherbe