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Talk With Real Customers Before the Launch

  As online crowdsourcing has shown, people will support a proposed business or cause that moves them. For entrepreneurs, the ability to test a proposed product or service's uniqueness and Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Kimberly Eddleston and Dan Holland

Five Very Fast Ways to Better Understand a New Product or Market

Many entrepreneurship classes focus on student business ideas. The goal of this exercise is to expose students to a variety of tests to validate a business idea quickly: setting up the tests in one Read More...

Category: Education and Teaching

Author: Ethan Mollick

Entrepreneurs Can Benefit Society

  Entrepreneurs play a huge role in society by bringing underappreciated products to market -- products that can help people but that big companies are too busy or disinterested to develop. In Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Daniel Forbes and Eden Blair

Social Entrepreneurship: Doing Well by Doing Good

  Can a socially conscious company be true both to its mission and to its bottom line? If there's conflict, what gets priority? It's a difficult balancing act and missteps can cost customers, Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Ken Harrington , Dave Feldman and Nicholas Vitalari

Empathy is Central to Entrepreneurship

  Successful entrepreneurs not only identify problems that must be solved, but also empathize with the people affected by them. In this discussion, Babson College's Yasu Yamakawa and Brett Smith Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Yasuhiro (Yasu) Yamakawa and Brett Smith

Are Business Plans Really Necessary?

  For a new venture, a business plan is an essential part of attracting investment and ensuring success.  Or is it? In this spirited discussion, reminiscent of "Point/Counterpoint," Eapen Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Eapen Chacko and Brent Goldfarb

The Next Generation Can Help the Family Firm Innovate

  Much has been written about how family businesses can have transition problems when the founder's children take over.  Best Buy founder Richard Schulze and Ritch Sorenson of the Read More...

Category: Interviews

Authors: Richard Schulze and Ritch Sorenson

Of Wine & Sharks: When Entrepreneurs and Investors Clash

Shark Tank is a popular resource for many entrepreneurship educators. While a number of outstanding episodes can be used in the classroom, a two-episode arc focused on Copa Di Vino -- a winery that Read More...

Category: Education and Teaching

Author: Lou Marino

Helping Students Shake Up the Marketing Mix

Sleepovers at mattress stores, banks that allow depositors to set their own maturity dates on certificates of deposits, a bowling alley that charges by the number of pins that the bowler knocks Read More...

Category: Education and Teaching

Author: Michael Morris

How Lowell Wakefield Made Crab King

While king crab fishing is among the most dangerous and lucrative activities in the world, it is only recent technology that makes it possible to extract this bounty from the sea, from global Read More...

Category: Case Studies

Author: Sharon Alvarez