Research Insight

This type of article provides practical advice and takeaways based on previously published research articles in other journals. It is written in a journalistic, accessible style that is easily understood by non-academic audiences.

For New Research Insights, Study One Family in Depth

  EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is adapted from the authors’ contributions to a forthcoming book,The Field Guide to Family Business Research, edited by Keith Brigham and G. Tyge Payne. Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Lori Tribble Trudell , Theodore L. Waldron and James C Wetherbe

She Always Gives Her All to the Family Firm -- but He Follows the Leader

It’s been proven that dedicated employees who go above and beyond what the job specifies help their companies be more efficient and keep customers happy. Other research has shown that leaders can Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Kimberly Eddleston and Kristen Madison

Founder CEO Passion in Selling the IPO

Are founder CEOs better at telling their company’s story? This has been the topic of an ongoing debate among entrepreneurship research scholars. On the one hand, the original founder can bring Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Michael Howard , Johannes Kolb and Valerie Sy

Employees Who Earn Less Than Their Peers Are More Likely to Become Hybrid Entrepreneurs

Many aspiring entrepreneurs test the waters by engaging in “hybrid entrepreneurship,” in which they start a new business while holding on to a fulltime job. In contrast, others enter into Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Author: Haemin Dennis Park

The Story Behind the Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is certainly one of the best-known strategy tools for conceiving the business model of a start-up or analyzing the business model of an established company. It is a Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Author: Guillaume Carton

To Encourage Innovation, Tap the Next Generation of Leaders

In these times of change and uncertainty, one thing is still certain: product-service innovation remains the lifeblood of family firms. Without innovating, pioneering competitors will make existing Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Author: Mat Hughes

Measuring the Financial Impact of Family Businesses on the US Economy

Those of us who work with family businesses are so familiar with these numbers that we often cite them without considering the source or the attribution. In the United States: Family businesses Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Author: Daniel Van Der Vliet

When Does Microfinance Do the Most Good?

Since the mid-1970s, microfinance has been seen as a way to lift people in emerging economies out of poverty by providing them access to financial services, particularly microcredit. Micro-loans are Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Pushan Dutt , Jasjit Singh and Arzi Adbi

Succession: Don't Assume Your First-Born is the Anointed One

  Succession is a defining moment in all family businesses, and making the right choice about who is going to be the next CEO can be critical to survival. Tradition, previous choices, and Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Author: Andrea Calabrò

Startup Employees Take a Hit Financially

People choose jobs for many reasons: location, learning opportunities, coworkers, and corporate culture. But pay also matters for most: not just what a job offers initially but also what it might Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: M. Diane Burton , Rodrigo Canales , Michael S. Dahl and Olav Sorenson