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Learn from Leaders #4: Building a Team

  This is the fourth video in our exclusive series called "Learn from Leaders," featuring advice for early-stage entrepreneurs and innovators from founders and CEOs of groundbreaking Read More...

Category: Interviews

Authors: Daniel Forbes and Jon Eckhardt

Listen to the Experts: How Family Firms are Surviving the Pandemic

  It has been almost a year since the Covid pandemic rocked the world. While we have seen some family businesses forced to close their doors forever, others have successfully pivoted their Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Kimberly Eddleston

Learn from Leaders #2: Getting the Financing Your Venture Needs to Survive

  This is the second video in our exclusive series called "Learn from Leaders," featuring advice for early-stage entrepreneurs and innovators from founders and CEOs of groundbreaking Read More...

Category: Interviews

Authors: Jon Eckhardt and Daniel Forbes

Learn From Leaders: Developing an Idea

  Over the past several years EIX editors have interviewed famous and noteworthy founders and CEOs of groundbreaking companies, and published the videos of those discussions on our site. We Read More...

Category: Interviews

Authors: Jon Eckhardt and Daniel Forbes

Family Businesses Must Plan for the Unthinkable

It's been almost 14 months since the first Covid case was reported and, in that year, a great deal has happened. Very few business owners, particularly in North America, took the potential for a Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Joseph Astrachan

Colleagues Celebrate a Leader Who Empowered Others

"If you want to lead, I would pay close attention to Dick's model...and if you are lucky enough to work for someone like this, you just won the lottery!" -- Brad Anderson In honor of Dick Schulze's Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Daniel Forbes and James C Wetherbe

Timeless Lessons from Dick Schulze

Best Buy Founder Dick Schulze built his empire through hard work, calculated risk, and a commitment to high standards of integrity and fairness.  In his book “Becoming the Best,” he outlines Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Catherine Buday and Jon Eckhardt

A Road Map for Resurgence

The end of the year is typically a time to for EIX and familybusiness.org to showcase their best-read articles from the past year in several broad themes: evaluating opportunities, financing, Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Kimberly Eddleston and Daniel Forbes

Three Strengths that Can Help Family Firms Survive Covid

Family businesses are unique, with many advantages that stand them in good stead during times of crisis. While there are unique strengths for family-owned firms working in a world changed by Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Doug Baumoel

Developing responsible owners in family business

“When owners start talking about their rights rather than their responsibilities, a family business is in trouble“.  (Smith Lanier) Introduction Management and organization research and Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Torsten Pieper and Joseph Astrachan