
A Commentary provides thoughtful and insightful opinions or perspectives on events, policies or situations of interest to business owners, startups, educators, investors and policymakers. These should be short, readable, timely, interesting pieces that address current topics of interest, discussion or dispute.

Length: <1,000 words

Reviewed by Senior Editors

LinkedIn CoFounder: Start with a Team, Not an Idea

EDITOR’S NOTE: This essay by one of five co-founders of LinkedIn, the 500 million-member social network for professionals, is part of our EIX feature entitled “The Entrepreneur Essay.” Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Konstantin Guericke

Overfunded Crowdfunded Projects: An Even Bigger Headache?

What’s better than fully funding your crowdfunding campaign? You might think it's raising far more than you requested. Turns out, having too much of a good thing creates unexpected, complex Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Eden Blair and Tanya Marcum

Why Inventors Should Embrace Unequal Partnerships

In this article Dean Kamen, one of the world's most famous inventors, explains why entrepreneurs who have an idea for a new product or have already created a product benefit from having a business Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Dean Kamen

Why Do Students Need to Learn and Experience Entrepreneurship?

Students need to be prepared for a world that has an unprecedented and every accelerating rate of change.  University entrepreneurship curricular and co-curricular programs provide a great Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Ken Harrington

Improved Bike Helmet Takes Top Prize at e-Fest

Teams of student entrepreneurs gathered at the Schulze School of Entrepreneurship in Minneapolis April 6-8, 2017 for e-Fest, which gave them the chance to compete for more than $250,000 in prizes for Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: James Beal

Entrepreneurship Research: Which Trails to Blaze Next

The community of entrepreneurship researchers has grown rapidly over the past few decades, and the quality and variety of entrepreneurship research has increased dramatically. As a result, a wealth Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Holger Patzelt

Conflict of Interest Policies Can Stifle Students and Innovation

In the private sector, collaboration between the people who develop and commercialize new technologies is essential to a successful new venture.  But in the college setting, Conflict of Interest Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Liz Christenbury

How Do You Know When It's Safe to Quit Your Day Job?

On November 29, Rewire hosted a Facebook Live Q&A entitled, "How Do You Know When It's Safe to Quit Your Day Job?," led by David Deeds, Schulze Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: David Deeds

The Power of 'Wow' to Attract New Customers

  Years ago, millions of consumers discovered something that they never knew they needed: TIVO, which ultimately would change the way they watched television and disrupt an entire industry. That Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Eden Blair

Intuition Isn't Enough for Entrepreneurs

  Entrepreneurial legends like Steve Jobs -- who created blockbuster products without asking anyone if they wanted them – anticipated the market. Many other entrepreneurs have great ideas that Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Sharon Alvarez , Kathleen Allen and Lars Oddsson