
A Commentary provides thoughtful and insightful opinions or perspectives on events, policies or situations of interest to business owners, startups, educators, investors and policymakers. These should be short, readable, timely, interesting pieces that address current topics of interest, discussion or dispute.

Length: <1,000 words

Reviewed by Senior Editors

Successful Entrepreneurs Take Action

Recently I was reflecting back on nearly 25 years of studying entrepreneurs and high tech ventures and asked myself what have I learned? What "wisdom" can I impart to my students? My conclusion was Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: David Deeds

Creativity: How to Nurture it, and Get it Back

From Elon Musk to Richard Branson to Steve Jobs, entrepreneurs are creative visionaries, able to see possibilities that have not been seen before. But fulfilling that vision also requires left-brain Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Christina Luconi

Entrepreneurs Don't Get Tenure: Should Their Professors?

Successful entrepreneurs must be constantly open to new ideas, adapt to changing marketplaces, reinvent their businesses and occasionally bet the house. At times, they must take their businesses to Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: James C Wetherbe

Entrepreneurship in the Laboratory Can Save Lives

“ Entrepreneurship starts with the discovery of an economic opportunity, which is preceded by a conjecture of the relative value of resources” (Shane and Venkataraman, 2000) The above quote could Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Phillip Phan

Cabbies and Capital: Migrants are Re-shaping the Developing World

Let’s not bury the lead: Today, the richest, most daring and influential group of venture capitalists in the world are migrants from developing countries. That’s right, migrants -- the cabbie Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Paul Vaaler

What's Next for Entrepreneurship in Cuba?

Is it possible to be enterprising in an anti-capitalist regime? Officials in both Cuba and the United States are pondering this now. The recent announcement that Cuba and the United States would Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Kari Zimmerman

How Cities and Regions Can Become Thriving Entrepreneurial Hubs

Over the past five to 10 years, cities and regions have steadily worked to create what many call "entrepreneurial ecosystems" that spur innovation economies. As managing director of the Washington Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Ken Harrington

The Changing World of Entrepreneurial Learning Resources

Steve Jobs died in October 2011. Since then, much has been written about Jobs’ life and the legacies he left – through his company, Apple, and through his impact on technology more generally Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Daniel Forbes

Eradicating Poverty Through Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs are not only some of today's most successful business owners, but also some of our best problem solvers.  Now more than ever, the world's humanitarian and environmental challenges Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Tina Cornely

Navigating the Business Model Maze

By William Schulze, Robert Wuebker, and Gerry Campbell Innovative business models are wonderful … but using the wrong business model to re-imagine your business can be dangerous! A look at business Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Bill Schulze