Venture Capital

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Are Business Plans Really Necessary?

  For a new venture, a business plan is an essential part of attracting investment and ensuring success.  Or is it? In this spirited discussion, reminiscent of "Point/Counterpoint," Eapen Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Eapen Chacko and Brent Goldfarb

Of Wine & Sharks: When Entrepreneurs and Investors Clash

Shark Tank is a popular resource for many entrepreneurship educators. While a number of outstanding episodes can be used in the classroom, a two-episode arc focused on Copa Di Vino -- a winery that Read More...

Category: Education and Teaching

Author: Lou Marino

A Father/Son Sitdown: Howard and Steven Aldrich

More than 20 years ago, Steven Aldrich showed the Mosaic Browser to his father, noted entrepreneurship professor Howard Aldrich.  It was a time when Steven was imagining a future in helping Read More...

Category: Interviews

Author: Howard E. Aldrich

Turning Good Business Presentations Into Great Ones

It doesn't work if a presentation is 95% perfect, but if the remaining 5% includes a "show stopper" that signals that the idea or the team behind it just won't make it in the real world. We've all Read More...

Category: Education and Teaching

Author: Joan Moser

The Harrowing Journey of Finding Investors

  Entrepreneurs are generally far more interested in creating a product or service and getting it to market than the tedious and often humbling process of obtaining funding.  Yet, finding Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Linda Hall

Cabbies and Capital: Migrants are Re-shaping the Developing World

Let’s not bury the lead: Today, the richest, most daring and influential group of venture capitalists in the world are migrants from developing countries. That’s right, migrants -- the cabbie Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Paul Vaaler

What Venture Capital Can Do for Your Company

  The financial market can be daunting for new entrepreneurs. Anyone who tries to be a part of it without understanding how it works, the players on the buy and sell sides, and their economic Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Eapen Chacko

Ann Winblad, Entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist

  In a candid interview with EIX's David Deeds, Ann Winblad, co-founder and managing director of Hummer Winblad Venture Partners, shares her war stories -- including her earliest entrepreneurial Read More...

Category: Interviews

Author: David Deeds