Angel Investors versus Venture Capitalists

Angel Investors versus Venture Capitalists
Category: Commentary
Author: Eapen Chacko
Published: November 4, 2016
Updated: July 1, 2024
Views: 5969
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Entrepreneurs have several options when they need capital to get a venture going: family and friends, angel investors and venture capitalists.  Growthfire LLC's Eapen Chacko, an advisor to private equity firms, discusses how these options are different, and where they can overlap.


Eapen Chacko
Eapen Chacko
Advisor / Queblo, Inc.
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DOI: 10.17919/X9GP47
Chacko, Eapen. "Angel Investors versus Venture Capitalists." 4 Nov. 2016. Web 3 Jul. 2024 <>.
Chacko, E. (2016, November 4). Angel investors versus venture capitalists. Retrieved July 3, 2024, from