Information Technology

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The Founder of Zoom Shares What's Next

Zoom Video Communications, Inc., the online videoconferencing service, is everywhere now, as the COVID-19 pandemic shuts down businesses, schools and organizations. Zoom’s revenue, which nearly Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Eapen Chacko

Virtual care startup Zipnosis aids the fight against the coronavirus

Zipnosis, a digital health company based in Minneapolis, is playing an important role in enabling patients to communicate with health care providers without leaving their homes. Since 2008, Zipnosis' Read More...

Category: Interviews

Author: Daniel Forbes

Professors Share Tips for Moving Online

With so many professors being required to move their courses online, the board of would like to ease the burden of their fellow scholars by offering advice. In this first article, Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Kimberly Eddleston

Online Teaching Resources from EIX

During the pandemic many instructors quickly revised their courses to be delivered online, and remote learning is still happening today. These free and peer-reviewed resources can help. Listed below Read More...

Category: Education and Teaching

Author: Daniel Forbes

Family Business Professors: Resources For Online Learning

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, many professors are quickly revising their courses to be delivered online. is here to help with an array of free and peer-reviewed Read More...

Category: Education and Teaching

Author: Kimberly Eddleston

How Young Companies Can Build Online Communities

By Sofia Bapna, Mary J. Benner and Liangfei Qiu Online social media communities have helped companies build customer loyalty and sales, but new firms starting from scratch to build those communities Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Sofia Bapna

A Tech Entrepreneur's Journey: Hard Work and Smart Risks

David Bateman, Co-CEO and Founder of SitePro, Inc., has learned the art of launching a great product through hard work and smart risks. His $60 million company makes technology solutions that help Read More...

Category: Interviews

Author: James C Wetherbe

Getting All Family Business Members on the Same Page with Tech

Article originally published at , which has partnered with on a series of high quality features about family business and entrepreneurship. Part of the America’s Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Jessica Thiefels

Bankers or Brokers? For Favored Firms, VCs Invest More than Dollars

By Emily Pahnke, Ji Youn (Rose) Kim, Michael Howard and Warren Boeker Venture capitalists bankroll invention, but is signing checks the only contribution they make to the world of innovation? Our Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Emily Pahnke

How Entrepreneurial Legends, Heroes and Meccas are Born

Entrepreneurship history is filled with events, places and people who are now legendary or even sacred. In the beginning of the 20th century, New York’s Lower East Side became a place where Jewish Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Howard E. Aldrich and Stephen Lippmann