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eFest2018 Winner is Making Life More Colorful for Diabetics

Meghan Sharkus of ExpressionMed, the eFest2018 grand prize winner, has made it her mission to make life more fun and fashionable for diabetics who must wear insulin devices every day. The colorful Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: James Beal

The 5 Money Mistakes That Blindside Entrepreneurs

Whether you are starting a family business or inheriting one, managing finances strategically helps protects both the business and the family.  Yet many entrepreneurs start a business without Read More...

Category: Interviews

Author: Kimberly Eddleston

Crowdfunded Ventures: Where Angels Dare to Tread

By Sandy Yu, Scott Johnson, Chiayu Lai, Antonio Cricelli and Lee Fleming As Silicon Valley, Boston and metropolitan New York show, entrepreneurship can drive the prosperity of a region -- creating Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Sandy Yu and Lee Fleming

Bankers or Brokers? For Favored Firms, VCs Invest More than Dollars

By Emily Pahnke, Ji Youn (Rose) Kim, Michael Howard and Warren Boeker Venture capitalists bankroll invention, but is signing checks the only contribution they make to the world of innovation? Our Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Emily Pahnke

How Family Firms Can Innovate With Less

Family firms often face limits on the financial and human capital available to them. But in Germany, a class of small- to medium-sized businesses known as the "Mittlestand" has learned to transcend Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Alfredo De Massis

The Art of Entrepreneurship, from Toni Sikes of CODAworx

  In her years as an entrepreneur, Toni Sikes has focused on helping artists find people who will pay for their work. Her company, CODAworx, serves as an online community for painters, Read More...

Category: Interviews

Author: Jon Eckhardt