family relationships

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The Paradox of Choice: Wealth's Impact on Family Potential

The book The Paradox of Choice , written by Barry Schwartz and first published in 2004, posits that people, in general, suffer a loss of happiness because we have too much choice in everything we Read More...

Category: Practice Insight

Author: Doug Baumoel

Helicopter Parenting Can Hurt Future Family Business Leaders

The founders of many longstanding family businesses likely had parents who insisted on responsibility and let them learn from their mistakes. This is not so today -- the era of helicopter parenting, Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Kimberly Eddleston

Assessments Can Help Develop Family Business Leaders

Assessments, tests, and evaluations are being used more routinely in businesses, and new tools are coming on the market designed specifically for family firms. In our consulting work with families Read More...

Category: Practice Insight

Author: Doug Gray, PhD

Keeping it in the Family

From left, Jeanne Plumley, her daughter Rebecca Miller and Rebecca's daughter Ellery Editor’s note: This article is part of Lessons from Leaders, a Next Avenue initiative made possible by the Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Jennifer Nelson

Family CEO Burnout: How to Prevent, Recognize and Deal With It

Between COVID, supply chain issues, armed invasions, unstable markets, and the great resignation with millions of workers leaving the workforce (Parker & Menasce Horowitz, 2022) – or, more Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Lars B. Sonderegger , Claudia Binz Astrachan and Joseph Astrachan

'Big Family:' Relatives Outside the Family Business Can Help It Thrive

Words like “non-active” or “passive” are misnomers for family business members that work elsewhere. On the contrary, these “satellite” family members are quite active and beneficial to Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Author: Mat Hughes

The New Family Business Powerhouses: Wives and Moms

Today women hold leadership positions in government, head up Fortune 500 companies, and oversee countless philanthropic programs. Yet in many successful family businesses, the roles of women remain Read More...

Category: Practice Insight

Author: Amy Hart Clyne

Family Business Experts: How to Survive the Holidays

While the holidays are supposed to bring magic and joy to people’s lives, they are also an immense source of family business conflict, anxiety, and stress. Family can be the root cause of this Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Kimberly Eddleston

'Let’s Not Go There...' Taboos in Family Business

Family businesses and the families that own them are known for their secrecy and discretion.  Keeping a “low profile” can provide useful benefits -- for example, shelter from business Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Tom Rüsen and Torsten Pieper

Breaking the Glass Ceiling in a Family Business

Despite decades of striving and some progress, women still face a glass ceiling in many tradition-bound family businesses.  In this interview with Editor Kimberly Eddleston, Read More...

Category: Interviews

Author: Kimberly Eddleston