Practice Insight
Practice insights are articles submitted by practitioners, such as entrepreneurs, consultants, managers, and venture investors. These articles undergo editorial review but are not peer reviewed.
Family firms can help the next generation move forward by understanding and supporting the emotional aspects of the exit for the current leader. Business advisors widely agree that the biggest Read More...
Category: Practice Insight
Author: Michael Klein
Hope, Efficacy, Resilience and Optimism can make us better people and better leaders. Here's how to cultivate it within ourselves. All leaders and advisors struggle with organizational Read More...
Category: Practice Insight
Author: Doug Gray, PhD
Baby Boomers are set to hand down trillions of dollars to younger generations. Family firms must consider how to transfer their ownership shares, and how much goes to whom. Around the world, an aging Read More...
Category: Practice Insight
Authors: Martin Kemp and Susan Lanz
Your "owners' strategy" should consider that in the future, the family firm will likely have many more owners. Take a broader focus when you develop it. In the US, most family business advisory firms Read More...
Category: Practice Insight
Authors: Claudia Binz Astrachan and Tom Rüsen
Like many family business leaders, John Dutton struggles to uphold longstanding traditions while external competitive pressures mount and next-gens clamor for change. "Yellowstone" is an American Read More...
Category: Practice Insight
Authors: Robin Burns and Ana Gonzalez
On an ideal board, directors with different levels of experience, backgrounds, and interests form a cohesive team that pulls in the same direction, and that achieves more together than "the sum of Read More...
Category: Practice Insight
Authors: Lars B. Sonderegger and Claudia Binz Astrachan
Family businesses should consider a social media policy as a relatively “low-hanging fruit” to introduce the next generation to governance work. Does your business family have a social media Read More...
Category: Practice Insight
Authors: Claudia Binz Astrachan , Tom Rüsen and Rebecca DeYarman
Values can form a strong foundation for a family business. Through shared values, we feel united and form a bond of culture, history, and pride. This bond can motivate each member of the family to Read More...
Category: Practice Insight
Author: Eva Fischer Hansen
Many of us are (or at least we believe ourselves to be!) natural-born problem solvers: Once we recognize a problem, we want to resolve it as expediently as possible. As a result, we fall into Read More...
Category: Practice Insight
Authors: Joseph Astrachan and Claudia Binz Astrachan
As we showed in part 1 of this discussion , trying to use budgets as both a planning tool and an expectations setting tool can be destructive, because the self-interests of different factions Read More...
Category: Practice Insight
Author: Joseph Astrachan