

Technical Specialized Knowledge and Founder Leadership at Initial Public Offering

  CONCLUSION Our research makes several contributions to research in entrepreneurship and strategy Read More...

Category: Theory and Research

Authors: Jon Eckhardt , Marc Junkunc and Mingxiang Li

Entrepreneurship's Moral Minefields: A Conversation with Steve Blank

By the way, at Stanford Professor Tom Byers is leading just such an effort – in both the research and Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Catherine Buday

When Can Fintech Do the Most Good?

  We examined this belief in our recent research published in Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Arzi Adbi and Siddharth Natarajan

How Strategy and Industry Should Shape Your Choice of Co-Founders

However, one aspect that had not been well researched is the relationship between a founding team’s composition Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Charles Eesley , Edward Roberts and David Hsu

Investing in Capabilities and Reputation Pays Off for VC Firms

We cite research that shows that top VCs invest their own money to build reputation, which in turn becomes Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: David Hsu

Sleeplessness Can Be Hazardous to Your Venture

Contemporary research suggests that sufficient high-quality sleep enables better performance on the following Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Barbara Silva and Jeff Gish

Seven Legal Pitfalls Your Startup Should Avoid

disharmony," which cause approximately 13% of all startup failures according to a well-known report by CB Insights Read More...

Category: Practice Insight

Author: Paul Swegle

Employees Who Earn Less Than Their Peers Are More Likely to Become Hybrid Entrepreneurs

Our research, entitled “How Does Relative Income Affect Entry into Pure and Hybrid Entrepreneurship?” Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Author: Haemin Dennis Park

Encouraging and Supporting Minority Entrepreneurship for Long-Term Success

MOBs have not been extensively researched but they have high potential to grow and contribute to the Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Ozlem Ogutveren Gonul

Who Will Be Your Competitors in the Future?

We can answer such questions and assist entrepreneurs because we researched this topic by using 10 years Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Stephen Downing , Jin-Su Kang and Gideon Markman