Our Latest Articles

July 26, 2023 - Issue #94

Family Offices: The Sober Guardians of Family Wealth Family Offices: The Sober Guardians of Family Wealth Often an impartial third party is the best choice to manage the family wealth for future generations and the business's longevity.
Sherri Noxel

Editor's Pick

Sherri Noxel

'Letting Go'

Oregon winery entrepreneur Susan Sokol Blosser is one of the founders of Oregon’s wine industry and a prolific writer. In “Letting Go” she captured the very personal and painful journey of exiting a family business that she founded. It’s the type of honest book about succession that is hard to find. Her first book, “Gracious and Ruthless: Surprising Strategies for Business Success,” shares her point of view as a woman founder in a traditionally male industry.

Do Family Meals Fuel Entrepreneurship in Family Businesses? Do Family Meals Fuel Entrepreneurship in Family Businesses? Families with diverse education and industry experience fuel the fire of entrepreneurship when they dine together frequently. 
Helicopter Parenting Can Hurt Future Family Business Leaders Helicopter Parenting Can Hurt Future Family Business Leaders A counselor's advice: Do less, say less and watch more. Let your children make mistakes and experience the consequences.
How All Kinds of Businesses Can Use AI Productively How All Kinds of Businesses Can Use AI Productively This video, also available as a podcast, explores how entrepreneurs, family businesses, and others can use artificial intelligence in practical ways.
5 Ways to Keep Your Kids From Fighting Over Your Will 5 Ways to Keep Your Kids From Fighting Over Your Will Communicate early and often, get input, be fair and detailed about your plans, and write a letter to your children explaining your choices.
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Family Firms Must Address Mental Health Challenges
by Andrew Keyt / Commentary

Anxiety, depression, and other challenges disrupt business operations and strain relationships. Ignoring them won’t make them go away. Read more...

Involve Next-Gens in Developing Your Social Media Policy
by Claudia Binz Astrachan, Tom Rüsen, and Rebecca DeYarman / Practice Insight

Consider a social media policy as a relatively “low-hanging fruit” to introduce the next generation to family governance work. Read more...

Family Businesses Can Learn From the Battling Brothers of Oasis
by Salvatore Sciascia / Commentary

Fighting caused Liam and Noel Gallagher to throw away 18 years of work. Family firms must do these five things to avoid the same fate. Read more...

Employees With Toxic Traits Can Still Be An Asset at Family Firms
by Benjamin McLarty and Daniel T. Holt / Research Insight

The emotional connection that families have with their companies can encourage good performance -- even from employees with narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. Read more...

How Family Dynamics Shape Family Businesses
by Joseph Astrachan and Claudia Binz Astrachan
Editorial offices located at St Thomas University

Editorial offices located at St Thomas University

Helping Next-Gens Envision Their Family Firm’s Future Success
by Nadine Kammerlander and Friedrich Kammerlander
Family Business Succession Planning: 10 Golden Rules
by Tom Rüsen, Torsten Groth, and Arist von Schlippe
Supported by the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation

Supported by the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation