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November 20, 2023 - Issue #102

Here's Why Family Businesses Need Branding Here's Why Family Businesses Need Branding For family firms, branding is not about marketing but about reputation -- how customers, employees, suppliers and others perceive them.
Keep the Founder's Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive in Future Generations Keep the Founder's Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive in Future Generations While entrepreneurship often creates the family's wealth, making it part of the family culture and legacy is another matter entirely. Here's how.
Good Intentions Can Sow Dysfunction at Family Businesses Good Intentions Can Sow Dysfunction at Family Businesses A family business advisor talks about what well-meaning families get wrong about succession, conflict, and salaries, and what they can learn from watching "Cake Boss."
Help Your Family Business by Helping Others Help Your Family Business by Helping Others Philanthropy can be a catalyst for leadership development, and generate support and good will towards the business in the community.
Do You Treat In-Laws Like the Family Business Outlaws ? Do You Treat In-Laws Like the Family Business Outlaws ? Families differ in their willingness to integrate outsiders into their family circle, but be careful: these actions influence the included or excluded individuals in different ways.
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Our Family Business YouTube Channel Has Launched! Our Family Business YouTube Channel Has Launched! Visit it today...and subscribe to be the first to know of new videos on how to empower family businesses.
Family Business Succession, Innovation, and Compensation: What You Need to Know Family Business Succession, Innovation, and Compensation: What You Need to Know A family business scholar and a consultant discuss family values; succession planning; compensation for family and non-family members; and being bold without burning through resources.
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The Next Generation Can Help the Family Firm Innovate
by Richard Schulze and Ritch Sorenson / Commentary

Best Buy Founder Richard Shulze and Ritch Sorenson of the University of St. Thomas explore the opportunities that come with a changing of the guard. Read more...

Single Family Offices as Owners: Long-Term Investors or Financial Optimizers?
by Joern Block, Reza Fathollahi, and Onur Eroglu / Research Insight

The capital structure of a firm determines its financial viability and creditworthiness. Families should understand how ownership influences this structure. Read more...

Family Business Stories Build a Legacy For the Next Generation
by Kimberly Eddleston / Interviews

Books, websites, videos and blogs can capture a family business's saga, with all its challenges and triumphs, and shape a powerful legacy. Read more...

Family Business Budget Planning: 7 Things to Consider
by Joseph Astrachan / Practice Insight

Family firms -- indeed, any entrepreneur-led business -- should put aside the self-interest of different departments, and focus first on these critical factors. Read more...

How Family Dynamics Shape Family Businesses
by Joseph Astrachan and Claudia Binz Astrachan
Family Business Succession: Your Questions Answered
by Kimberly Eddleston and Mat Hughes
Managing Emotional Minefields Within Family Businesses
by Dr. Ayoosha Saleem, Francesco Barbera, Simon de Jong, and Arvid Hoffmann
Editorial offices located at St Thomas University

Editorial offices located at St Thomas University

Family Firms May Need More Legal Advice Than They Think
by Kajsa Haag, Hanna Almlöf, Marina Madsen, and Mette Neville
Supported by the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation

Supported by the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation