
A Commentary provides thoughtful and insightful opinions or perspectives on events, policies or situations of interest to business owners, startups, educators, investors and policymakers. These should be short, readable, timely, interesting pieces that address current topics of interest, discussion or dispute.

Length: <1,000 words

Reviewed by Senior Editors

e-Fest 2022 Top 25 Finalists Announced

TOP 25 FINALISTS ANNOUNCEMENT MINNEAPOLIS, April 1, 2022 -- Drumroll please...EIX proudly announces the Top 25 Finalists for e-Fest® 2022! We are so happy to be returning to Minneapolis and the Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: James Beal

Why Does EOS/Traction Work So Well for Family Businesses?

Imagine this not so uncommon family business situation. In a f ourth-generation family business, the transition between the previous generations always went from the father to son in the business: Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Sara Stern

10 Tips for a Blog that Builds Readership and Business

At dinner recently, a friend (Dave’s) began to kvetch about her adulting son. He had lived with her and her husband for a year after college. Finally, the grumpy, underemployed ingrate had moved Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: David Goetz and Melissa Parks

Townsend and Hughes Are New Senior Editors

Mat Hughes (left) is now Senior Editor of and David Townsend (right) is Senior Editor of EIX. As readership continues to rise dramatically year after year, and Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: David Deeds

Diversify Your Family's Risks by Returning to Its Entrepreneurial Roots

Family enterprises are the backbone of the world’s economy and critically important to the economic growth and development of every nation. On average, they outperform publicly owned non-family Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: David Deeds

Entrepreneurship in an Era of Digital Transformation

  Entrepreneurs face many challenges when building a new company from an innovative idea -- financial pressures, networking for seed money, satisfying venture investors who have their own Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Elisabeth E. Bennett, PhD

Challenge for 2022: Innovating Despite Uncertainty

The year-end is traditionally a time for setting new goals for the coming year, but if we've learned anything from 2020 and 2021 it's that our best-laid plans must be flexible. The continued Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Daniel Forbes and Jon Eckhardt

Today's Innovators Can Prosper by Building a Better Tomorrow

About a decade ago Josh Tetrick, after doing charity work in sub-Saharan Africa for the UN and teaching there as a Fulbright Scholar, decided to channel his idealism into a company.  He Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Chunka Mui

Family Business Experts: How to Survive the Holidays

While the holidays are supposed to bring magic and joy to people’s lives, they are also an immense source of family business conflict, anxiety, and stress. Family can be the root cause of this Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Kimberly Eddleston

Six Steps to Help Artists Thrive as Entrepreneurs

  For centuries, in many cultures, a career as an artist has centered on public performances, public exhibitions, and public perceptions of perfection and virtuosity.  As artists we’ve Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Sarah Marty