
A Commentary provides thoughtful and insightful opinions or perspectives on events, policies or situations of interest to business owners, startups, educators, investors and policymakers. These should be short, readable, timely, interesting pieces that address current topics of interest, discussion or dispute.

Length: <1,000 words

Reviewed by Senior Editors

Family Businesses Can Help One Another

Measures to “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as limiting public gatherings and forcing the extended closure of non-essential businesses, have created one of the direst threats Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Theodore L. Waldron and James C Wetherbe

The Founder of Zoom Shares What's Next

Zoom Video Communications, Inc., the online videoconferencing service, is everywhere now, as the COVID-19 pandemic shuts down businesses, schools and organizations. Zoom’s revenue, which nearly Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Eapen Chacko

The stimulus package and family businesses

The economic stimulus plan signed into law on March 27 puts the Small Business Administration in charge of disbursing financial aid to small businesses hurt by the coronavirus pandemic. It Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: David Deeds

What the economic stimulus plan means for small businesses

The economic stimulus plan signed into law on March 27 puts the Small Business Administration in charge of disbursing financial aid to small businesses hurt by the coronavirus pandemic. It Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: David Deeds

e-Fest 2020 Highlights Elite Undergraduate Student Entrepreneurs Among Outstanding Field of Competitors

TOP 25 FINALISTS ANNOUNCEMENT MINNEAPOLIS, March 27, 2020 -- It was another exciting year for e-Fest and the Schulze Entrepreneurship Challenge! Once again, our team of entrepreneurship judges pored Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: James Beal

Professors Share Tips for Moving Online

With so many professors being required to move their courses online, the board of would like to ease the burden of their fellow scholars by offering advice. In this first article, Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Kimberly Eddleston

Worth Sharing: An Italian Entrepreneur Confronts the Crisis

Michael Cortelletti, owner and “Guardian Angel” of Food Democracy in Verona, Italy, has seen the affects of COVID-19 first hand, both as a business owner, and as a resident of Verona, Italy. As Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Daniel Van Der Vliet

Coronavirus: 10 Things That Family Businesses Can Do Now

Editor’s Note: Over the next few weeks we will be publishing articles on and to help businesses weather the turmoil caused by COVID19. Visit our home page daily for more Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: David Deeds

Remembering Clay Christensen

Clay Christensen, the Harvard Business School educator who passed away in January 2020, changed the way people around the world think of innovation. Through widely-read books, such as "The Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Daniel Forbes

Encouraging Family Business Members to Go the Extra Mile

Family firms typically emphasize one of two management approaches: stewardship, which stresses participation, adaptability and family harmony; and agency, which emphasizes discipline, management and Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Kimberly Eddleston , Franz Kellermanns and Roland Kidwell