

How 'Job Creators' Think

Table 3 summarizes the tests of hypothesized relationships and the specified paths among the controls Read More...

Category: Theory and Research

Authors: Keith Brigham , Ron Mitchell and Jeff Stambaugh

The New Normal: Overcoming Post-Pandemic Challenges to Survival and Growth

fluctuating rules in place for masking and vaccinations – the landscape for startups, small businesses and family Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Daniel Forbes and Kimberly Eddleston

My Entrepreneurship Journey: Ireland to the Middle East and America

I grew up in Ireland, and my family hails from Ballyhaunis in County Mayo. Read More...

Category: Case Studies

Authors: Kieran Folliard and Eapen Chacko

Technical Specialized Knowledge and Founder Leadership at Initial Public Offering

We conceptualize the relationship between knowledge and a firm’s activities along two dimensions. Read More...

Category: Theory and Research

Authors: Jon Eckhardt , Marc Junkunc and Mingxiang Li

Entrepreneurship in an Era of Digital Transformation

Management and relationship problems became more pronounced during the pandemic, when almost everyone Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Elisabeth E. Bennett, PhD

ADHD Can Affect Entrepreneurs’ Earnings and Business Success

social development since the age of 5, and began looking more deeply at their economic, social and relationship Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Vassiliki Bamiatzi and Nick Williams

From Startup to Midsized Company: Managing the Growing Pains

  With a great product, smart strategy and lots of hard work, a startup can mature into a midsized company, defined as a firm with between $10 million and $1 billion in revenue. This stage is Read More...

Category: Interviews

Author: Kimberly Eddleston

Startup Employees Take a Hit Financially

Fellow employees can become friends, almost family.

Category: Research Insight

Authors: M. Diane Burton , Rodrigo Canales , Michael S. Dahl and Olav Sorenson

Protect Your Business From Cyberattacks

These suggestions are easy to implement for your business as well as for your family’s computers. Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Joseph Simpson