Research-Based Advice for Businesses: Our 10 Best-Read Articles

The mission of EIX is to provide the soundest advice to help entrepreneurs, investors, and their companies improve their success rates. One important source of advice is based on research: rigorous studies that analyze what truly works.
Over the past several years EIX has partnered with scholarly entrepreneurship journals where researchers publish high-quality research on entrepreneurship. These lengthy papers undergo a rigorous peer review process before publication. We take this original research and distill it into practical takeaways. We have formal partnerships with three journals: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, the Journal of Business Venturing, and Entrepreneurship Theory in Practice. Independently of these partnerships, many individual authors who’ve published their scholarly articles have collaborated with us to bring their insights to a wider audience.
Below are the 10 most-read research translations in EIX published since 2021.
Entrepreneurs Need an Agile Mindset and Agile Slack
(Published Oct. 18, 2023)
By Yoel Asseraf, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel
Companies must view change as a strategic opportunity -- and set aside enough resources to seize those opportunities quickly.
192,030 All-Time Views
Is a Recession a Good Time to Start a Business?
Published September 26, 2022
By Siri Terjesen, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
Like Microsoft and Southwest Airlines, ventures started in recessionary times that survive may end up with strengths that give them advantages over other companies born in easier times.
95,910 All-Time Views
“Home Field Advantage” Works in Business as Well as Baseball
Published June 20, 2017
By Olav Sorenson , UCLA Anderson School of Management
and Michael S. Dahl, Aalborg University Business School
Entrepreneurs who think they need to move to hotbeds of innovation shouldn’t be too hasty to pack their bags.
77,331 All-Time Views
Studying Entrepreneurship With Mixed Methods
Published October 1, 2020
By Ludvig Levasseur, Indian Institute of Management
For the best insights, researchers need to dive deeply into the numbers and analysis – but they also need to talk with everyday business owners.
49,694 All-Time Views
Field of Dreams: Exploration of Entrepreneurial Possibilities
Published January 20, 2022
By Michael Lounsbury and Tim Hannigan, University of Alberta School of Business
The nanotechnology field began with science fiction stories. Ideas for innovation often come from wispy dreams that somehow coalesce into experimentation, discovery, opportunity, and marketable products.
46,900 All-Time Views
When Can Fintech Do the Most Good?
Published September 14, 2023
By Arzi Abdi , NUS Business School
and Siddarth Natarajan, NTU Singapore
Many have predicted that mobile money and other fintech will replace traditional banks in impoverished countries. However, research showed that socially marginalized people need both.
39,718 All-Time Views
Simple Rules Can Power Up Your Global Strategy
Published September 5, 2023
By Yoel Asseraf, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel
As Lego, Unilever, and Apple have shown, a simple but memorable strategy statement can create a common mindset, regardless of cultural and language differences.
39,613 All-Time Views
What Matters More for Entrepreneurs: Book Smarts or Street Smarts?
Published January 9, 2023
By Regan Stevenson, Psychology of Entrepreneurship Researcher
and Jared Allen, Texas Tech University
In environments with high levels of uncertainty, research showed that emotionally intelligent people were far more likely to be successful.
31,527 All-Time Views
Measuring Your Social Impact: What the Research Says
Published January 19, 2022
By Hans Rawhouser, University of Nevada
Michael Cummings, University of Arkansas,
and Scott Newbert, Baruch College
Businesses are adopting policies to improve the environment, social justice and other worthy causes. But how do we measure the results?
29,419 All-Time Views
Startup Employees Take a Hit Financially
Published March 24, 2021
By M. Diane Burton, Cornell University
Rodrigo Canales, Boston University
Michael S. Dahl, Aalborg University Business School
and Olav Sorenson, UCLA Anderson School of Management
Research suggests that, unfortunately, most startup employees earn less -- both at the time of hiring and in the long run -- than their peers at traditional firms.
24,678 All-Time Views
If you are an author, please consider us as an outlet for your important work on entrepreneurship.

Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation Distinguished Professor / Wisconsin School of Business & Wisconsin Institute for Discovery / University of Wisconsin-Madison
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