From Solo to Team: Helping Siblings Maintain Your Valuable Outside Relationships

outside the family, including banks, suppliers, customers, and the community where the business operates Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Luis Cisneros , Bérangère Deschamps and Sebastien Geindre

Keep the Founder's Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive in Future Generations

The rising generation may have contemplated their own role as future leaders of the operating business Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: David Werdiger

Good Intentions Can Sow Dysfunction at Family Businesses

what's in the best interests of the family business, says Stern, who is a certified Entrepreneurial Operating Read More...

Category: Interviews

Authors: Kimberly Eddleston and Sara Stern

Family Business Succession Planning: 10 Golden Rules

When issues of succession arise, families tend to concentrate on the operating business, since it demands Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Tom Rüsen , Torsten Groth and Arist von Schlippe

Family Business Succession, Innovation, and Compensation: What You Need to Know

In our work we’ve seen that family businesses put most of their emphasis on operational excellence, or Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Mat Hughes and R. Adam Smith

How to Plan for a Successful Succession

“Generally, most family business owners find themselves so involved in the day-to-day operations, they Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Richard Eisenberg

Renewing the Empire: A Family Firm's Succession and Refit Journey

mutual role adjustment, as the current generation heading the business may shift from being a "sole operator Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Melania Riefolo , Sena Özkara , Baris Istipliler and Jan-Philipp Ahrens