

Family Business Succession Planning: 10 Golden Rules

Along with this policy, an HR management practice was installed to identify junior staff members from Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Tom Rüsen , Torsten Groth and Arist von Schlippe

How Gamification Can Help Family Businesses

Then, we will offer some insights on some possible use of gamification in the context of business families Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Salvatore Tomaselli and Danilo Maurici

Everyday Gratitude in Times of Uncertainty

Claudia Binz Astrachan shared insights from her research with several colleagues in her article, Research Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Carol Wittmeyer

How Family Businesses Can Attract and Keep the Best People

This requires that they evaluate their current human resource management practices and make the changes Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Qizhen Cai and Kimberly Eddleston

Will Your In-Laws Help or Hurt Your Family Business?

From our research, a picture emerged of the kinds of practices and leadership that help family businesses Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Marco Mismetti , Emanuela Rondi and Cristina Bettinelli

Developing Your Business Family Strategy: Where to Start and What to Consider

Family governance practices and teambuilding: paradox of the enterprising family. Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Tom Rüsen , Isabel C Botero , Arist von Schlippe and Torsten Groth

When entrepreneurs raise entrepreneurs

  Based on the insights that we gained from discussions with many family firm owners and next generation Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Nadine Kammerlander and Larissa Leitner

To Survive a Crisis, Re-Think Your Family’s Ties

  Here are practical ideas resulting from this research: Family business leaders must seek training Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Elias Hadjielias , Louise Scholes and Mat Hughes

Getting Your Family Business Ready for the 'New Normal'

However, the beauty of time is that it provides us with lessons and insights. Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Mat Hughes

It’s Complicated: Managing Succession in Cases of Divorce and Adoption

families in these situations, we looked at what other researchers have found and unearthed some practical Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Nadine Kammerlander and Leona Rethmann