My Entrepreneurship Journey: Ireland to the Middle East and America

However, without staff who don’t enjoy coming to work and feel rewarded supported by the management, Read More...

Category: Case Studies

Authors: Kieran Folliard and Eapen Chacko

Can You Afford to Experiment?

The name “Lean” comes from Toyota’s Lean Management but is perhaps somewhat misleading: Ries’ core message Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Andrea Contigiani

Teaching Students to Design and Commercialize New Products: A Journey in its Third Decade

, is administered jointly by the College of Science & Engineering and the Carlson School of Management Read More...

Category: Education and Teaching

Author: Daniel Forbes

Hackers, Makers, and Crowd Funding: Lowering the Barriers to Entrepreneurship

Some of these are managed cooperatively but others are private, for-profit operations -- such as Etsy Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Howard E. Aldrich

Conflict of Interest Policies Can Stifle Students and Innovation

Conflict of Interest Federal and state laws and regulations place specific Conflict of Interest (COI) management Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Liz Christenbury

Navigating the Business Model Maze

to break existing businesses into related blocks of value-generating activity, and challenges the manager Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Bill Schulze