Schulze Entrepreneurship Challenge Highlights e-Fest® 2018

Sponsored by the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation, the Schulze School of Entrepreneurship at the University of St. Thomas, and, a non-profit online platform for entrepreneurship education, e-Fest celebrates 25 student teams who submitted the best business pitches in a preliminary online competition. At e-Fest in April (Minneapolis, MN), there will be a Pitch Competition, development workshops, an Innovation Challenge and the featured event: 25 finalist teams vying for places and awards in the Schulze Entrepreneurship Challenge. In 2018, two new prizes will recognize entries with the most promising global impact and social impact. Travel and accommodations are provided to finalists.
e-Fest Participant Guide and Event Information
The difficult work of selecting 25 finalists from colleges and universities across North America was undertaken by a panel of nearly 40 judges. We are grateful for the hard work of our judges as well as the many participating student teams and advisors, who are investing into their careers and communities as entrepreneurs.
We are very pleased to announce this year's finalists.
e-Fest 2018 Top 25 Finalists
Schulze Entrepreneurship Challenge
Boost Linguistics
Drexel University
Ethan Bresnahan, Alex Dodson and Jeff Nowak. Advisor: Chuck Sacco
Artificial intelligence that augments creativity and written communication
Northeastern University
Keith Corso, Evan Eddleston and Chris Fischer. Advisor: Kimberly Eddleston
Optimizes school bus routes based on the students who are riding the bus
Cradled Systems
University of New Hampshire
Brandon Allen, Ty Kartiganer, Mateusz Mroz and Ahmed Alzawar. Advisor: Andrew Earle
Captures waste gas from petroleum and chemical processing and converts it into useful products
University of Northern Iowa
Kyle Coogler and Corey Behrens. Advisor: Lauri Watje
A web application that streamlines the recruitment process for people with disabilities
St Olaf College
Anthony Valiulis, Jack Schoephoester, Johannes Bang and Salvador Alvarez. Advisor: Roberto Zayas
A solution for retailers to automatically track inventory on hooks and racks within the stores.
Division 1-On-1 Trainers
University of Virginia
Grant Sirlin and Jared Vishno. Advisor: Alex Zorychta
The first and only web application solution that lets NCAA athletes earn money in an NCAA-compliant manner
University of New Hampshire
Joel Nkounkou and Jason Martinez. Advisor: Ian Grant
An online platform for college students to help them manage how they get their textbooks
University of St Thomas
Meghan Sharkus and Jackie Page. Advisor: Laura Dunham
Customizable decals and stickers to provide ease and personalization of personal diabetes monitoring devices
Fairy Godmother
Susquehanna University
Hannah Gruber, Jennifer Thorsheim and Julia Bodner. Advisor: Emma Fleck
A taxi service for women by women
Florida Gulf Coast University
Katlyn Sullivan and Tyler Dalbora. Advisor: Sandra Kauanui
Make graduate school ambitions an integral part of the undergraduate career planning process
Future Forward Foods
George Washington University
Daniel Berg and Alec Ludwig. Advisor: Ravi Ramani
An ultra-natural dessert and alternative to sweets
Infiniti Greens
Binghamton University
Joseph Rigoroso and Brianna Hulbert. Advisor: Sung Kim
An urban farm operating in the heart of downtown Binghamton, NY
Inventive Byte
Ankit Sharma, Chloe Arriaga and Shoshana Arunasalam. Advisor: James Bottom
An AI-powered community for college entrepreneurs to work with engineers, professionals and mentors on their projects
Lifted Roots Vertical Farms
Farmingdale State College
William Turano, Zane Smith and Tal Granot. Advisor: Jing Betty Feng
An indoor hydroponic farm that specializes in herbs and food preparation ingredients
Washington and Lee University
Graham Novak and Mourad Berrached. Advisor: Gavin Fox
A global community enabling travel and remote work by supporting a digital lifestyle
Georgia State University
Lawrence Chen, Harsha Goli, Luis Bock, Diamond Lester and Aaron Via. Advisor: Isabelle Monlouis
Helps college students with career exploration through data insights and digital job shadowing experience
Orindi Ventures
Grand Valley State University
Jordan Vanderham and Jared Seifert. Advisor: Zoe Bruyn
The Orindi Mask enables people to breathe warm, comfortable air in the coldest environments.
Safe In Sound
University of St Thomas
Savannah Hufendick, Cameron Hufendick and Brett Hufendick. Advisor: Laura Dunham
An app and set of earbuds that processes loud sounds [music] and automatically limits amplitude and durations to safe levels
Seiji's Bridge
Portland State University
Alex Dassise and Quincy Brown. Advisor: Abby Chroman
A line of specialized toys with features that support interactivity and communication for people with autism or communication/sensory disorders
Missouri University of Science & Technology
Edward Koharik, Matthew Healy, Caleb Jett, Lucas Mefford and Edward Kufa. Advisor: Bonnie Bachman
Engineering robotics programs and tools for students to learn at home and outside of the classroom
Speed E-Box
Western Michigan University
Chris Messecar and Blake Agy. Advisor: Lara Hobson
A replacement for conventional electric outlet boxes that does not require time consuming pre-measurement and cutting of drywall during home and industrial construction
Vers: The Rap Game
Northeastern University
Jerried Walker and Eric Martinez. Advisor: Kimberly Eddleston
A freestyle rap-based game where the players compete to make the best freestyle rap using a set of template playing cards
Vetiver Solutions Inc.
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Leeore Levenstein, Elizabeth Alonzi and Jesse Abelson. Advisor: Fred Rose
Dedicated to fighting poverty by making sustainable farming practices profitable by promoting the planting of a tall, erosion fighting grass called Vetiver
University of Delaware
Bryce Fender, Joel Amin and Demetrius Thorn. Advisor: Vince DiFelice
A solution to the issue of vacant and abandoned properties in Wilmington, Delaware that acquires and updates properties and converts them into supported housing and rentals
Zero Barrier
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Evan Wolfenden, Ben Farley and Billy Boutelle. Advisor: Michael Williams
An innovative way to 3D print metal parts