
How Midlife Entrepreneurs Can Reach Their Target Audience

(This article and podcast episode are part of America’s Entrepreneurs , a Next Avenue initiative made possible by the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation and EIX, Entrepreneur and Innovation Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Richard Eisenberg

How to Bridge Generations in a Family Business

(This article is part of America’s Entrepreneurs , a Next Avenue initiative made possible by the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation and EIX, the Entrepreneur and Innovation Exchange .) Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Jessica Thiefels

How to Grow Your Family Business

This article is part of America’s Entrepreneurs , a Next Avenue initiative made possible by the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation and EIX, the Entrepreneur and Innovation Exchange .) Taking a Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Kerry Hannon

The Family Business: Matching Older and Younger Entrepreneurs

This article is part of America’s Entrepreneurs , a Next Avenue initiative made possible by the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation and EIX, the Entrepreneur and Innovation Exchange . When a Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Kerry Hannon

Advice for Unintended Entrepreneurs

Article originally published at NextAvenue.org , which has partnered with EIX.org on a series of high quality features about family business and entrepreneurship. Part of the America’s Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Roy Carriker

Getting All Family Business Members on the Same Page with Tech

Article originally published at NextAvenue.org , which has partnered with EIX.org on a series of high quality features about family business and entrepreneurship. Part of the America’s Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Jessica Thiefels

Hiring an Outside Expert for Your Family Business

Article originally published at NextAvenue.org , which has partnered with EIX.org on a series of high quality features about family business and entrepreneurship. Part of the America’s Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Kerry Hannon

How to Plan for a Successful Succession

Nothing succeeds like success, the saying goes. But for family businesses, it’s smart family business succession planning that can be the key to sustaining the company in the future and keeping it Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Richard Eisenberg

5 Benefits of Having a Multigenerational Family Business

Article originally published at NextAvenue.org , which has partnered with EIX.org on a series of high quality features about family business and entrepreneurship. Part of the America’s Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Jessica Thiefels

How to Run a Family Business Successfully

Article originally published at NextAvenue.org, which has partnered with EIX.org on a series of high quality features about family business and entrepreneurship. Part of the AMERICA'S ENTREPRENEURS Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Kerry Hannon