How to Build a Family Business Portfolio: Your Location Matters

From many years of studying this topic, reviewing what other researchers have found, and talking to practitioners Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Philipp Sieger , Naveed Akhter and Francesco Chirico

What If a Hedge Fund Invests in my Family Business?

While other researchers have studied how individual ownership types (like families) impact firm-level Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Matthias G. Leute , Yannick Bammens , Martin Carree and Jolien Huybrechts

How Do Owners of Family Business Portfolios Restructure Poorly Performing Firms?

Family business decision-makers can benefit from our research, which shows how timely portfolio restructuring Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Marina Palm , Vanessa Diaz Moriana and Nadine Kammerlander

How Famous Family Firms Use Their History to Connect With Stakeholders

Through our research, we found that stories are part of a family business legacy, and communication and Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Luca Manelli , Vittoria Magrelli , Josip Kotlar , Federico Frattini and Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli