Family Firms May Need More Legal Advice Than They Think

  However, our research showed that family business owners often underutilize the legal instruments Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Kajsa Haag , Hanna Almlöf , Marina Madsen and Mette Neville

When the Family Leaves the Business, Can Their Values Remain?

Our Research One member of our research team is a member of the Cadbury family. Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Roy Suddaby , Wilson Ng , Natalia Vershinina , Gideon Markman and Matthew Cadbury

How Famous Family Firms Use Their History to Connect With Stakeholders

Through our research, we found that stories are part of a family business legacy, and communication and Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Luca Manelli , Vittoria Magrelli , Josip Kotlar , Federico Frattini and Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli

To Survive a Crisis, Re-Think Your Family’s Ties

We researched how real family businesses handled the European Debt Crisis and the Covid-19 Pandemic to Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Elias Hadjielias , Louise Scholes and Mat Hughes

Family Emotions Can Drive Business Decisions

But our research into the inner workings of family firms shows that positive and negative emotions – Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Rania Labaki and Fabian Bernhard