How to Build a Family Business Portfolio: Your Location Matters

From many years of studying this topic, reviewing what other researchers have found, and talking to practitioners Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Philipp Sieger , Naveed Akhter and Francesco Chirico

A Family's Non-Financial Values Shape Its Sustainability Strategy

Based on a survey of 186 Italian family firms, a review of their company archives, and secondary research Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Josh Hsueh , Alfredo De Massis and Luis Gomez-Mejia

How Do Owners of Family Business Portfolios Restructure Poorly Performing Firms?

Family business decision-makers can benefit from our research, which shows how timely portfolio restructuring Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Marina Palm , Vanessa Diaz Moriana and Nadine Kammerlander

Perceptions of Family Firms Vary by Country: Why This Matters

Research shows that family businesses enjoy numerous reputational benefits in their relationships with Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Philipp Jaufenthaler , Oliver Koll , Reinhard Prügl and Maximilian Lude

Why Families and Their Firms Behave Badly

Across a range of disciplines, researchers have sought to identify the “bad behavior” of family firms Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Roland Kidwell , Kimberly Eddleston , Linda Kidwell , John Cater and Ellison Howard

Family Firms May Need More Legal Advice Than They Think

  However, our research showed that family business owners often underutilize the legal instruments Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Kajsa Haag , Hanna Almlöf , Marina Madsen and Mette Neville

When the Family Leaves the Business, Can Their Values Remain?

Our Research One member of our research team is a member of the Cadbury family. Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Roy Suddaby , Wilson Ng , Natalia Vershinina , Gideon Markman and Matthew Cadbury