Trust Your Mentors, and Your Gut

Bernette Dawson named her line of skin care products "Made Organics," which stands for "Mother Approved Daily Essentials." The idea for the business was born after Dawson's son developed a skin condition and Dawson wanted only gentle, quality ingredients to treat it. But her business also needed a little mothering from mentors as it got off the ground. She received indispensable advice from (WIN) Lab, a business accelerator based at Babson College. In this interview with's Kim Eddleston, Dawson talks about her early experiences launching her company, when to lean on mentors and when to trust your own instincts.
Additional Search Terms: Female founders, women-owned business, skin care, skin care products, Bernette Dawson, Made Organics, Babson College, accelerators

Schulze Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship / D'Amore-McKim School of Business / Northeastern University
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