Our Mission: Bringing You Research-Based Business Insights

Our Mission: Bringing You Research-Based Business Insights
Category: Commentary
Author: Jon Eckhardt
Published: April 24, 2024
Updated: April 24, 2024
Views: 22480
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This month, the EIX platform marks its 10th anniversary. Along with our anniversary, we are also celebrating a milestone in viewership: We will achieve 12 million page views for the academic year ending June 30.

EIX and FamilyBusiness.org are possible because of the generosity of Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation and Dick Schulze, the founding CEO of Best Buy. Dick believes that successful entrepreneur-led businesses are the backbone of a strong economy and upward mobility. Because of Dick’s funding we have been able to offer resources for entrepreneur-led businesses, family firms, entrepreneurship professors and aspiring entrepreneurs without the biases created by advertising or paywalls.

The editorial team at EIX and FamilyBusiness.org has combined several important ideas in publishing to create a novel approach towards publishing relevant business insights. First, our publication is online first, meaning EIX can quickly adapt to the knowledge needs of our readers and authors. Second, our publication is peer reviewed. What this means is that before an article is published on EIX, at least one, and in most cases two experts, selected based on the topic of the article, review the article for quality and accuracy. Experts who server as reviewers are researchers and business leaders. Third, professors and practitioners are publishing on the same platform, with the same process. Fourth, our review process is fast, with many articles going from submission to publication within a month. With this approach, we are building a platform that is delivering relevant content for our community while increasing in rigor.  

At the core of our model is the idea that translational research—scholarship produced by individuals who conduct original research but who also practice in their field of expertise—is the path towards producing high quality relevant research. We aim to encourage the work of translational scholars in business through our platform. You can learn more about our approach here:

Producing Research Entrepreneurs Can Use

Thank you for publishing, reading, and sharing. We appreciate you for being a member of our growing community. 

Jon Eckhardt is Editor-in-Chief of EIX and FamilyBusiness.org


Jon Eckhardt
Jon Eckhardt
Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation Distinguished Professor / Wisconsin School of Business & Wisconsin Institute for Discovery / University of Wisconsin-Madison
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DOI: 10.32617/1070-6627f6708cb49
Eckhardt, Jon. "Our Mission: Bringing You Research-Based Business Insights." FamilyBusiness.org. 24 Apr. 2024. Web 23 Feb. 2025 <https://eiexchange.com/content/our-mission-bringing-you-research-based-business-insights>.
Eckhardt, J. (2024, April 24). Our mission: bringing you research-based business insights. FamilyBusiness.org. Retrieved February 23, 2025, from https://eiexchange.com/content/our-mission-bringing-you-research-based-business-insights