Case Studies, Movies, TV Shows and Other Family Business Resources

Case Studies, Movies, TV Shows and Other Family Business Resources
Published: March 15, 2019
Updated: June 21, 2024
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The demand for family business education is soaring around the globe, and several higher education institutions are introducing new courses and programs that focus on this dominant type of business organization. Yet, as we discuss in our recent Academy of Management Learning & Education article, universities and teachers have yet to realize the full spectrum of resources available to help them develop and deliver family business education programs.

Current trends in higher education are emphasizing “experiential learning” and technology to enable online, hybrid and collaborative learning. This means that we need to look beyond the traditional textbook and embrace the potential benefits of using a more varied set of resources in the classroom and online learning environments. This motivated us to develop a list that organizes and maps existing learning resources for family business education at undergraduate, masters and executive levels. 

Our list includes webinars, television shows, Ted Talks, magazines, movies and case studies. The list is intended to be especially useful for instructors teaching stand-alone family business courses or emphasizing family business issues in other core management courses. It is just a starting point; much much more remains to be done to develop new resources, map resources available around the world, and develop guidelines for their use in the classroom. We invite family business educators to expand and further enhance the pool of learning resources available for family business education. 


We would like to thank Carlotta Benedetti, PhD Student at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, for her excellent work in helping us to update the lists of movies and teaching cases for family business education. We also gratefully acknowledge the scholars involved in the FERC community for their helpful inputs and feedback. Finally, we are thankful to for the attention paid to this project, which we feel important for one of the core activities of our mission as family business professors, i.e. the education of the young and senior generations of family business owners and managers. 


De Massis, A., Kotlar, J. (2015). Learning resources for family business education: A review and directions for future developments. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 14(3), 415-422.

On the Small Screen

Teachers can find webinars, webcasts and short video-clips made available by the Business Families Foundation, the Canadian Association of Family Enterprise and the Family Firm Institute. The BBC series Hidden Histories: Britain's Oldest Family Businesses includes three documentaries about the extraordinary history of Britain’s longest-running family businesses. Moreover, teachers can use material from many TV shows such as Arrested Development, The Sopranos, The Sons of Anarchy, and most recently, HBO’s Succession, as well as some animated sitcoms such as Bob's Burgers.

Table 1: Selected List of TV Series for Family Business Education

Title Starting Year Creators Topics
Dallas 1978-1981 David Lewis Jacobs Families, Conflicts
Beautiful 1987-ongoing William J. Bell, Lee Philip Bell Fashion Industry, Storytelling, Complementing Families
The Sopranos 1999-2007 David Chase Criminal Organization, Leadership, Competition
American Chopper 2003-2010 Mike Row, Jim Pratt Manufacturing, Father-son Relationship, Conflicts, Competition
Arrested Development 2003-2006 David Schwartz Decision-making, Stakeholders, Succession, Identity
Sons of Anarchy 2008-2014 Kurt Sutter Brotherhood, Loyalty, Legacy
The Good Wife 2009-2016 Robert King, Michelle King Legal and Political Drama, Network
Revenge 2011-2015 Mike Kelley Identity, Change, Conflicts
House of Lies 2012-2016 Matthew Carnahan Consultancy, Management Issues, Decision-Making
Peaky Blinders 2013-ongoing Steven Knight Criminal Organization, Leadership, Internationalization
House of Cards 2013-2018 Beau Willimon Power, Planning, Lobbyism
Empire 2015-ongoing Lee Daniels, Danny Strong Entertainment Industry, Ownership, Succession
Dynasty 2017-ongoing Richard Alan Shapiro Succession, Alliances, Competition
Family Business 2018-ongoing Tony Grounds Succession, Generations, Leadership
Succession 2018-ongoing Jesse Armstrong Entertainment Industry, Ownership, Succession

TED Talks

We also identified some TED talks that can be useful to appreciate and grasp a number of family business topics, as shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Selected List of TED Talks for Family Business Education

Type Title Main topic
TED global Family businesses are here to stay, and thrive Business growth
TEDx Portland How doing things differently in a family business can result in success Success
TEDx Sayajigunj Harnessing the Potential of Family Business Values
TEDx University of Nevada Nepotism is my American dream Nepotism
TEDx King Lincoln Bronzeville Transforming lives with vegan family business Business & community


Magazines can be a very valuable resource for family business education. They give students direct access to updated information on current issues relevant to family businesses, as well as many real case examples. Magazines also provide more international perspectives and expert opinions, covering a very broad range of topics and geographical regions. They can be particularly useful for experiential learning. Magazines can be used by educators in a number of ways -- for instance in “blended teaching” initiatives in which a portion of the traditional face-to-face instruction is replaced by learning based on magazine extracts to infuse real-world, practice-oriented learning opportunities into established theory- and notion-based courses.

A growing number of published magazines explicitly focus on family businesses, such as Campden FB, Family Business Agenda, Family Business Magazine, Tharawat magazine and The Practitioner. Moreover, general business magazines increasingly feature family business articles, including Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Business Week, Forbes, The Economist, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post. Finally, teachers can benefit from articles published in blogs and forums with the focus on family business, such as the Family Firm Institute (FFI), Family Business Place, Family Business United, Family Business Network (FBN), Family Business Wiki, the International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), and the Institute for Family Business (IFB) Forum.

On the Big Screen

Teachers rely increasingly on films in their classes, and their use will become even more frequent as experiential learning continues to grow. Benefits include increasing students’ attention and helping them visualize theoretical concepts and issues. This is likely to be particularly valuable in family business courses, as films can depict the many intangible and often sensitive and private aspects of managing family businesses. In our survey of existing courses around the world, we found a broad spectrum of sources for firms that can be used in family business education.  

Below is a list of 44 movies that can be useful for engaging students in discussions about family business issues.

Table 3: Selected List of Movies for Family Business Education

Year Title Director Topics
1934 The House of Rothschilds A. L. Werker Family Capitalism, International Growth, Legitimacy, Economic Wealth, Succession
1954 Executive Suite R. Wise Change, Governance, Ownership, Strategic Planning, Succession
1956 The Giant G. Stevens Conflict, In-laws, Ethics, Family Entrepreneurship, Family Legacy, Succession
1958 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof R. Brooks Governance, Intergenerational Collaboration, Leadership, Stakeholder, Succession
1972 – 1990 The Godfather Trilogy F. F.Coppola Change, Ethics, Governance, Inheritance, Leadership, Succession, Values, Culture
1984 This is Spinal Tap R. Reiner Behavior, Conflict, Entrepreneurship, Intra-Senior Generational Interaction
1984 Places in the Heart R.Benton Entrepreneurship, Family-Nonfamily, Stakeholders
1988 Tucker: The Man and His Dream F. F. Coppola Goals, Change, Entrepreneurship, Intergenerational Collaboration, Resources, Strategic Planning, Structure
1989 Family Business S. Lumet Altruism, Conflict, Ethics, Family Relations
1991 Backdraft R. Howard Behavior Conflict, Change, Relationship, Siblings
1993 Rudy D. Anspaugh Entrepreneurship, Evolution, Change, Family Vs. Non-Family Members, Goals, Inheritance
1995 Sabrina S. Pollack Brother-Brother Relationship, Change, Strategic Planning, Succession
1995 Tommy Boy P. Segal Behavior, Conflict, Goals, Succession
1999 Any Given Sunday O. Stone Change, Environmental Threats, Goals, Leadership, Succession
2001 Avalon M. Oshii Change, Governance, Management Development, Network, Relationship, Strategic Planning, Structure, Structure
2001 Life as a House I. Winkler Inter-generational conflict, Illness
2002 About Schmidt A. Payne Behavior, Conflict, Change, Ownership, Values, Work-Family Conflict
2002 My Big Fat Greek Wedding J.Zwick Behavior, Conflict, Culture, Value, Family Involvement, Ownership
2005 Kinky Boots J. Jarrold Change, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources, Innovation, Social Capital, Succession
2006 The Queen S. Frears Behavior, Conflict, Change, Environmental Threats, Goals, Governance, Strategic Planning
2007 The Will Be Blood P. T. Anderson Entrepreneurship, Competition, Profitability, Business Opportunities
2008 Bottle Shock R. Miller Entrepreneurship, Network, Relationships
2008 Mother & Daughters C. Bessai Conflict, Mother-Daughter Relationships
2010 Romantics Anonymous J.P. Améris Emotions, Entrepreneurship, Family Business Boundaries, Innovation
2010 Fathers & Sons C. Bessai Conflict, Father-Son Relationships
2010 The Social Network D. Fincher Challenges, Entrepreneurship, Resilience, Storytelling, Conflicts, Success
2011 The Inheritance P. Fly Conflict Management, Family Relations, Goals, Success, Succession, Work-Family Conflict
2011 Sisters & Brothers C. Bessai Conflict, Sibling Relationships
2011 Moneyball B. Miller Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Competition, Team Building, Performance
2011 Something Ventured D. Geller, D. Goldfine Stakeholders, Investments, Innovation
2012 The Brave B. Chapman Intergenerational Conflict, Succession,
2012 Arbitrage N. Jarecki Parenthood, Altruism, Conflict, Ethics, Family Relations, Power, Sibling Relationship
2013 Saving Mr. Banks J. L. Hancock Change, Identity, Iconic Personality, Creativity, Storytelling
2013 The Wolf of Wall Street M. Scorsese Goals, Power, Success, Ethics, Behavior and Conflicts
2014 A Most Violent Year J. C. Chandor Entrepreneurship, Power, Growth, Competition, Conflicts, Behaviors, Ethics
2015 Joy D. O. Russel Power, Family Relations, Gender, Success, Resilience
2015 The Intern N. Meyers Gender Stereotypes, Age, Entrepreneurship, Passion, Integrity, Team Value, CSR, Family Relations
2015 Unfinished Business K. Scott Challenges, Inspiration, Identity, Resilience, Problem-solving
2016 Adidas VS Puma O. Dommenget Brotherhood, Conflicts, Succession, Family Relations
2016 The Founders J. L. Hancock Negotiation Skills, Brotherhood, Storytelling, Growth
2017 Coco L. Unkrich, A. Molina, J. Katz, M. Aldrich Intergenerational Conflict, Tradition, Legacy
2017 The Post S. Spielberg Succession, Ownership
2018 Crazy Rich Asians  J. M.  Chu Family Relations, Transgenerational Interaction, Family Relations, Succession, Cultural Conflicts
2018 Lionheart G. Nnaji Change, Ownership, Strategic Planning, Succession, Intergenerational Collaboration, Leadership, Innovation, Sibling Relationships, Family Relations

Teaching Case Studies

An increasing number of business schools rely on case studies as a primary means for delivering education contents, which emerges as important means to help students link theory and practice. Real-life case studies can help improve students’ ability to match theories and models commonly taught in the classroom to actual problem situations, and to learn how to address them. Case studies are likely to be particularly well suited for family business education, as examining the case of “others” offers a privileged opportunity to safely address sensitive and private issues.  

In our review, we identified 59 case studies. Table 4 lists these case studies. In order to facilitate search and selection, the table reports the title of each case study, source, industry, geography, firm age, and the topics addressed in each case study. These cases can be used to teach a variety of family business topics to undergraduate, graduate and executive education classes.

Table 4: Selected Case Studies for Family Business Education

Case Study Source Industry Geography Firm Age Topic
A Diamond in the Rough: J. M. Huber and the PATH Business Harvard Business School Fire retardant additives business USA n.a. Decision making, Mergers & acquisitions, Board of Directors, Competitive strategy, Risk management, Growth
AAC Technologies (A): Entrepreneurship, Growth and Transformation Harvard Business School Manufacturing, computers & electronics, mobile devices China n.a. Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership, Technology, Manufacturing, Growth strategy
Adams Funeral Home Poza & Daugherty Funerals Georgia USA 139 Strategic Management, Merger analysis
Alchemy of Innovation at TSL Jewellery Ltd. Adding Value to Gold-Transforming a Traditional Business Harvard Business School Technology, jewelry Hong Kong n.a. Organizational Perspectives, Entrepreneurial Management, Innovation, Change Management, Technology, Human resource Management,
Alcoholes de Centroamerica, S.A. NACRA Alcohol Honduras 46 Entrepreneurship, Conflicts Management, Family Relationship, Strategy
Alsea: A New CEO Comes on Board Harvard Business School Accommodation & food services, restaurants Spain, Colombia Mexico n.a. Franchising, Corporate strategy
Amarnath Gupta and Sons: The Family Business Harvard Business School Retail trade, petroleum products India 66 Succession Planning, Succession Issues
Amorim: The Future of Natural Cork Harvard Business School Wine industry, alcoholic beverages, manufacturing Portugal n.a. Vertical integration, Packaging, Manufacturing, Sustainability
Anderson Steel Service, Inc. Harvard Business School Steel products Arizona USA 57 Organizational Change, International Management
Argentina Suites: A Case Study NACRA Hotels Argentina 26 Company Management, Family Relationships
Artecola: Building a Global Brazilian Multinational from Rio Grande do Sul Harvard Business School Adhesives & sealants Brazil n.a. Internationalization, Mergers & Acquisitions, Emerging markets, Innovation, Strategic alliances
Askew's Foods versus Wal-Mart: Sustainable versus Low-Cost Harvard Business School Retail trade Canada n.a. Corporate Social Entrepreneurship, Competition, Social Responsibility, Sustainability
ATF, Inc.: Fasteners and Family Harvard Business School Automotive parts & accessories USA 37 Succession Planning, Management Styles, Leadership
Aurobindo Pharma: Gearing Up for the Future Sage Knowledge, Pharmaceuticals India 33 International Business, Entrepreneurial Strategies, Corporate Governance, Leadership, Professionalization
Aurum Furniture and In-Law Management Harvard Business School Retail trade USA n.a. Succession Planning, Family-controlled Businesses, Conflict,
Ayala Corporation Harvard Business School Banking, telecommunications, water Philippines 181 Future Business Opportunities
Babbitt Ranches: Governance and Strategic Planning in a Family Business Harvard Business School Cattle ranching Arizona, USA 127 Leadership, Company Management, Succession, Conflicts
Balaji Wafers: Taking the Pepsi Challenge Harvard Business School Manufacturing India n.a. Competition, Strategy, Growth Strategy
Beacon Group of Hong Kong: Finding Light in the Shadow Education Industry Harvard Business School Technology Hong Kong 25 ca. Education, Entrepreneurship, Technology, Human resource Management, Incentives, Motivation
Bentington Industries Harvard Business School Consulting and engineering services England 81 Family Interaction, organizational Behavior, Leadership
Billionaire's Curse: Gun-based Succession Planning for a Bangkok Market Harvard Business School Food & beverage Thailand n.a. Succession Issues, Finance, Economics
Bhiwar Enterprises Richard Ivey School of Business Wholesale trade - non-durable goods Africa n.a. Succession Plan, Conflict Management
Borrowing to Grow at Andrews Company Poza & Daugherty Manufacturing USA n.a. Family Business, Succession
Caso Conservas Diaz S.A. Kellogg School of Management Agriculture Spain n.a. Family Relations, Succession, Shareholders
Clemens Family Corporation Iese Business School Meat processing Philadelphia USA 93 Organizational Change, Family Council, Governance, Succession
Consumer Goods Company: A Woman Sailing for Success Sage Knowledge, Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles Lebanon n.a. Succession Strategies, Relationships,
Deep Roots Distillery Harvard Business School Accommodation & food services Canada 4 Accommodation, Break Even Analysis, Differentiation Strategy, Industry Analysis, Entrepreneurship
DLC Management Corporation: Securing Its Future NACRA Real estate New York USA 28 IPO, Decision-Making, Leadership, Organization Resources, Ownership, Control
Donald Salter Communications, Inc. Kellogg School of Management Broadcasting, newspaper publishing Idaho USA 90 ca. Asset Management, Motivation, Incentives
Ed's Dilemma: Succession Planning at Niagara Paving Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice Asphalt paving Buffalo, New York, USA 31 Succession Planning
Eu Yan Sang: Reviving a Traditional Family Business with Modern Business Principles Stanford Business Case Traditional Chinese medicine Singapore 134 Growth, Professionalization, Family Values
Families, Fortunes, and Footwear. Reaching Out to the Fourth Generation of Brazil’s Lupo S.A. Stanford Business Case Apparel Brazil 94 Succession, Exit Strategy
Ford Motor Company's Value Enhancement Plan Harvard Business School Automotive Michigan, USA 110 Values, Expectations, Succession Planning
Francisco de Narváez at Tía: Selling the Family Business Harvard Business School Retail trade Argentina 80 Capital Structure, Financial Liquidity, Business and Shareholder Relations
From Swords to Ploughshares INSEAD Storage and transport Minnesota, USA 100 ca. Business Exit
George Barker Harvard Business School Real estate, rental & leasing USA 70 ca. Succession, Conflicts
Glennon Brothers: Old Dogs Need to Learn New Tricks Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Sawmilling business Ireland 100 ca. Organizational Life Cycle, Managerial Style, Business Evolution
Goodwin Sporting Goods Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation Retail trade USA 66 Leadership, Performance Evaluation, Relationships
Graham Family and the Washington Post Co. Harvard Business School Newspaper publishing District of Columbia USA 80 Succession Planning, Conflict Resolution
H.D. Chasen Company, Inc. NACRA Industrial equipment USA 61 Interpersonal Communication, Management Succession, Going Public, Family Relationships
Iggy's Bread of the World Harvard Business School Baking & bakeries USA 19 Succession Planning
Ireka Construction Berhad: A Chinese Family Business Goes Public Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation Construction Malaysia 46 Growth, Organizational Culture, Restructuring
Is Destira My Destiny? Whether, When, and How to Join One's Small Family Business Harvard Business School Apparel California, USA 29 Succession planning, Decision making, Entrepreneurship, Compensation, Women in Business
Is This for Me? Career Decision Making in a Family Business Harvard Business School Colleges & universities USA n.a. Human Resource Management, Career Planning, Personnel Policies, Generational Issues
“It Used to Be a Family Company Until I Joined My Husband in It”: Professionalizing a First-Generation Family Business Sage Knowledge, Fruits and vegetables retailing Australia 48 Change in Leadership, Leadership Style
J. Perez Foods Harvard Business School Food Dominican Republic n.a. Business Ownership, Shareholder Relations, Entrepreneurship, Organizational problems
J.R. Pierce, Inc. NACRA Pastry Ohio USA n.a. Going public, Change Management
John Nurminen Family: Ownership Strategy Enabling Business Portfolio Development Sage Knowledge, 2018 Transportation and storage Finland 148 Entrepreneurial Strategies, Ownership Structure, Business Portfolio Development, Risk Management, Opportunity Recognition
Keddeg company: Succession to the Next Generation of Small Business Kellogg School of Management Aircraft USA 67 Succession Planning
Ketan Logistics-Charting the Next Route Harvard Business School Transportation & warehousing India 33 Succession Issues, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Stewardship, Corporate Governance
Kingston Family Vineyards Harvard Business School
Wine industry
Chile 21 Production, Supply Chain Management, Strategy
Kohler Co. Harvard Business School Manufacturing Wisconsin USA 130 Conflict Management
K.N. Kordonis & Co. S.A.: Are We All on the Same Page for Survival? Sage Knowledge, Retailing Greece n.a. Succession Planning, Environmental Issues, Financial Crisis
Leadership Succession at Achal: A Tough Nut to Crack Harvard Business School
Food, agribusiness
India 40 ca. Succession Planning, Exit Strategy, Succession Issues, Valuation, Entrepreneurship, Leadership Transitions
Malkinson Printing Company: The Evolution of a Family Business Harvard Business School Printing Wisconsin USA n.a. Organizational Behavior, Conflict, Generational Issues
Managing Strategic Change in Family Business: The Case of Glopac Chemical Sage Knowledge, Chemical Indonesia 25 Family Conflict, Management Issues, and Agency Problems
Managing to Sell but Failing to Communicate: The Case of the Family Behind Dow Jones Sage Knowledge, Publishing activities USA 137 Corporate Governance, Strategic Decision-Making, Professionalization
Mehta Engineering: An Indian Family Business Coping With Growth Through the Third Generation Sage Knowledge, Manufacture of machinery and equipment  India 60 ca. Business Exit, Business Divisions, Succession Issues
Merck, Darmstadt: Sustaining Legacy Beyond 350 Years Harvard Business School Pharmaceuticals Germany 350 ca. Governance, Leadership
Metal Benders Industries, Inc.: The Accidental Entrepreneur NACRA Metal industry Maryland USA 44 Entrepreneurship, Succession, Shareholder Value, Leadership
Monmouth Rubber & Plastics Harvard Business School (2018)
Plastics & rubber products
New Jersey USA 55 Organizational behavior, Decision Making, Generational Issues
Moore Oil: Exit Options for a Multi-Family, Multi-Generational Small Business Sage Knowledge, 2018 Petroleum marketing Midwest, USA 87 Entrepreneurial Strategies, Tradition, Exit Strategies, Ownership, Logistic Management, Decision-Making
Morgan Construction Company: Managing Five Generations of Family Ownership Sage Knowledge, 2018 Manufacture of machine and equipment USA 120 ca. Business Exit, Professionalization, Succession, Intergenerational Dynamics, Conflict, Decision-Making
Nantucket Nectars Harvard Business School Beverages USA 25 Family Ownership, Cash Flow Approach
Nantucket Nectars: The Exit Harvard Business School Beverages USA 25 Strategic Management, Leadership
Northwest Security Services Graduate School of Business, Stanford University Security alarm services USA 67 Business Exit
Now What? Now Who? A Mexican Small Family Business in Transition Sage Knowledge, 2018 Carwash Mexico 28 Conflicts, Succession Planning, Family Harmony, Business Challenges, Leadership
Ottawa Devices, Inc. Harvard Business School Medical equipment & devices Canada n.a. Business Exit
Outstanding Outsider and the Fumbling Family Harvard Business School Food Illinois USA n.a. Asset Diversification, Division of Ownership
Pho Hoa Dorchester Harvard Business School (2017) Food, beverages, restaurants USA 27 Business Ownership, Change Management, Organizational Structure, Organizational Culture, Business Growth, Leadership
Pitcairn Family Heritage(R) Fund Harvard Business School Fund investments PhiladelphiaUSA 24 Change Management, Succession, Retirement, Conflict of Interests
Precista Tools AG Harvard Business School Machine tools Switzerland 67 Succession, Family Ownership
Professionalization of Sudarshan Chemical Industries Harvard Business School (2015) Chemical India n.a. Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Growth Strategies
Prudence and Audacity: The House of Beretta Harvard Business School Arms Brescia, Italy 487 Corporate Governance
Rebar Group: A Chinese Family Business Turned Criminal Sage Knowledge, 2018 Domestic textiles, construction, real estate, Taiwan 60 ca. Corporate Governance, Corporate Restructuring, Corporate Fraud
Salvatore Ferragamo, Spa. Harvard Business School Shoes and leather goods Italy 80 ca. Family Ownership, Conflicts and Resolution, Succession
Sam Steinberg (A) and (B) Harvard Business School Grocery stores, retail trade Canada 100 ca. Business Growth, Start-ups
Scholtes Waterservices Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation Horticultural Holland n.a. Growth, Market Adaptation
Sigma Motion, Inc. Poza & Daugherty, 2004 Linear motion USA 38 Changes and Strategic Planning, Corporate Governance, Growth
Simon Salvage Case: A Case of a Family Business NACRA Scrap metal New Jersey, USA 68 Succession, Governance, Communication, Leadership
Smit's Company NACRA Chocolate Michigan, USA 113 Succession, Conflict Management
Stevenson Industries Harvard Business School Pumps & seals ConnecticutUSA 108 Transition in Ownership, Leadership
Strategy and the Sibling Partnership: The Tan Group from Indonesia Sage Knowledge, 2018 Construction company Indonesia 70 ca. Succession Issues, Growth, Decision-Making
Taming My Father Sage Knowledge, 2018 Manufacturing, scientific research and development USA   Leadership, Governance, Ownership, Succession Planning
The Agnellis and Fiat: Family Business Governance in a Crisis Harvard Business School Automotive Italy 113 Governance, Leadership, Professionalization
The Ambivalent CEO of the Construction Company Poza & Daugherty, 2004 Construction USA n.a. Growth Strategies
The Business Tycoon, Robert Aston: The Rise and Fall of a Family Empire Sage Knowledge, 2018 Accommodation, food and beverage service activities Lebanon n.a. Entrepreneurship, Succession Planning, Diversification Strategies, Organizational Culture
The Cousins Tournament Case Poza & Daugherty, 2004 Electrical systems California USA 79 Succession, Conflict Management, Management Style, Organizational Culture
The Ferre Media Group (Part A),(Pat B) Poza & Daugherty, 2004 News and cement business Puerto Rico n.a. No abstract/key words available
The Fojtasek Companies and Heritage partners: March 1995 Harvard Business School Building materials USA 70 No abstract/key words available
The Fudge Cottage NACRA Confectionery Michigan, USA 32 No abstract/key words available
The Harilela Enterprises: An Indian Family Business in Hong Kong Kellogg School of Management Hotels Hong Kong 91 Ownership, M&A, Partnerships, Succession, Financial Strategy
The Khalil Abdo Group Harvard Business School Pharmaceuticals Egypt 67 Business Exit
The New MBA Poza & Daugherty, 2004 Construction Sand and Gravel Minnesota, USA n.a. Ownership, Family Employment, Management, Leadership, Governance, Succession
The Qadri Group: Innovating in Family Business Harvard Business School (2012) Engineering services, manufacturing Pakistan n.a. Technology Management, Government Relations
The Son-In-Law Poza & Daugherty, 2004 Food (bakery) USA 55 Succession Issues
The Wen Group Harvard Business School Pharmaceuticals Hong Kong 80 Crisis Management, Conflict Management, Corporate Governance, Leadership
Touchdown Footwear on a Slippery Slope Harvard Business School (2018) Footwear India 54 Professionalism, Succession Issues, Emerging Markets, Leadership, Stewardship, Corporate Governance, Organizational Management
Trevor Family-Business Compensation Framework: Is It Fair? Sage Knowledge, 2018 Retail trade Philippines 50 ca. Three Circles Model, Ownership, Conflicts, Compensation Issues
W.S. Darley & Co. - Sustaining Family Connections Longenecker et al. (2011) Fire-fighting and emergency services Illinois USA 105 Succession Planning
Wadeshwar Restaurants: Strategies for Growth Harvard Business School (2014) Accommodation & food services, restaurants India n.a. Growth Strategy
Westbrook Farm NACRA Farm Indiana USA n.a. Investment Evaluation, Decision-making
Weston Nurseries Inc. Kellogg School of Business Florists USA 90 Leadership Strategy
Zandu Pharmaceutical Works: The Takeover Bid Harvard Business School (2014) Pharmaceuticals India 110 ca. Negotiation, Exit Strategy, Succession issues, Decision-making, Organizational Change
Zobele chemical industries) Journal of Business Venturing Chemical Italy 94 Globalization, Ownership, Control

Additional Search Terms: entrepreneurship courses, teaching ideas, teaching resources, classroom ideas, entrepreneurship classes, business schools, business school classes, entrepreneurship students, professors

Alfredo De Massis
Alfredo De Massis
Professor of Entrepreneurship & Family Business / D’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, IMD Business School and Lancaster University
View Profile
Josip Kotlar
Josip Kotlar
Associate Professor of Strategy, Innovation & Family Business / School of Management / Politecnico di Milano
View Profile

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DOI: 10.32617/362-5c8bbf8788fb0
De Massis, Alfredo, and undefined. "Case Studies, Movies, TV Shows and Other Family Business Resources." 15 Mar. 2019. Web 4 Mar. 2025 <>.
De Massis, A., & Kotlar, J. (2019, March 15). Case studies, movies, tv shows and other family business resources. Retrieved March 4, 2025, from