

Why Don't You Educate Your Owners?

So then why do they spend so little time and money on educating their family shareholders? Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Tom Rüsen , Claudia Binz Astrachan and Ruth Orenstrat

Let's Get Professional: Family Firms Need HRM Practices

Such practices should be implemented before younger family members begin educational and career choices Read More...

Category: Education and Teaching

Authors: Kimberly Eddleston and Roland Kidwell

Do Family Meals Fuel Entrepreneurship in Family Businesses?

On the other hand, some argue that mealtime offers the perfect opportunity for parents to teach their Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Author: Kimberly Eddleston

Keep the Founder's Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive in Future Generations

Some parents want to teach their children to be just like them and follow in their path. Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: David Werdiger

How Family Firms Can Prevent (or Cool Down) Sibling Rivalries

to prevent fallouts between siblings that hurt the family and the business, parents should start teaching Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Jonas Ruzek and Kimberly Eddleston

How Three Women Upheld Family Values and Thrived Despite Adversity

In Bulgaria, women have endured barriers to education, employment, and even entrepreneurship for decades Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Boyka Simeonova and Mat Hughes

The Paradox of Choice: Wealth's Impact on Family Potential

opportunity into the lives and relationships of family members can be addressed by being purposeful and educated Read More...

Category: Practice Insight

Author: Doug Baumoel

Do You Treat In-Laws Like the Family Business Outlaws ?

they qualify to work in the company, serve on the board or the family council, or participate in educational Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Claudia Binz Astrachan , Joseph Astrachan and Torsten Pieper

Succession Planning Should Start Earlier Than You Think

treated and indoctrinated from their early years, how they are encouraged to participate or seek education Read More...

Category: Commentary

Authors: Mat Hughes and Mira Bloemen-Bekx