

EIX: Reducing Cycle Time in Thought Leadership

And within academia, it takes far too long – sometimes one to four years -- for our research and ideas Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: James C Wetherbe

Getting Your Family Business Ready for the 'New Normal'

However, the beauty of time is that it provides us with lessons and insights. Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Mat Hughes

Over My Dead Body: The Unseen Influence of Wives on Succession

That’s the main insight from our in-depth study of 34 wives from Australian family-owned firms, which Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Barbara Cosson and Michael Gilding

What the Pandemic Has Taught Us About Crisis Management

Because COVID-19 had effects unlike any other crisis, crisis management research has received increased Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Matthias Breier , Sascha Kraus and Thomas Clauß

How 1,100 Family Firms Grappled with Covid-19

  A group of international family business scholars and researchers set out to find out how family Read More...

Category: Interviews

Authors: Mat Hughes and Torsten Pieper

What If a Hedge Fund Invests in my Family Business?

While other researchers have studied how individual ownership types (like families) impact firm-level Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Matthias G. Leute , Yannick Bammens , Martin Carree and Jolien Huybrechts

Better Let Your Brother Do It: Men Are Still Preferred in CEO Successions

We studied what many other researchers have found and did our own research, through telephone interviews Read More...

Category: Research Insight

Authors: Jan-Philipp Ahrens , Melania Riefolo , Annegret Hauer and Katharina Siegert

Managing Family Business Dynamics

content/strategies-for-keeping-your-family-connected Family Emotions Can Drive Business Decisions Research

How Gamification Can Help Family Businesses

have been spread to areas such as education, parenting, sustainability, healthcare and scientific research Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: Salvatore Tomaselli and Danilo Maurici

Why You Should Name Your Business After Yourself

Other insights from our research: If an entrepreneur with a self-named business goes on to start other Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Sharon Belenzon