

Building a Company Step by Step, Ch. 8: Introduction to Customer Validation

of testing and experimenting to determine how a product or service will be sold, before committing money Read More...

Category: Interviews

Author: Jon Eckhardt

How to Run Your Side Hustle Like the Business It Is

getting overwhelmed," says Katie McCarthy, 51, of Grand Junction, Colo., who runs the blog Gig Boss Money Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Sharon Goldman

Building a Company Step by Step, Ch. 2: The Path to the Epiphany

LÜM allows listeners to support the musician directly through a virtual gifting system, with virtual money Read More...

Category: Interviews

Author: Jon Eckhardt

How All Kinds of Businesses Can Use AI Productively

their messages; testing different strategies; creating engaging and relevant content; saving time and money Read More...

Category: Interviews

Author: Mat Hughes

Startups Can Attract Employees and Financing Through 'Borrowed' Reputations

New firms must attract two kinds of resources: talent and money. Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Daniel Forbes

This midlife startup owner has pivoted twice

"I can't keep spending money if there's nowhere to sell products," she recalled thinking. Read More...

Category: Features

Author: Chris Farrell

Entrepreneurship's Moral Minefields: A Conversation with Steve Blank

Throughout history, there have always been people trying to game whatever the system to make the most money Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Catherine Buday

The Silicon Valley Bank Bust: What Entrepreneurs Need to Know

For example, SVB had a robust venture debt program, where the bank would loan money to startups with Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Author: Jon Eckhardt

Entrepreneurship in an Era of Digital Transformation

challenges when building a new company from an innovative idea -- financial pressures, networking for seed money Read More...

Category: Commentary

Author: Elisabeth E. Bennett, PhD

Getting Married? Protect Your Business Venture With a Prenup

Additionally, a divorce could wind up costing the business money and drain resources, which would adversely Read More...

Category: Applied and Practice

Authors: James Hoffman and Dwight Kealy