Based on interviews with 46 female family firm successors from 13 countries around the globe, we distill patterns of how the female successors were raised, how their career paths looked like, what Read More...
Category: Theory and Research
Authors: Nadine Kammerlander , Elizabeth Bagger , Doris Sommavilla and Sasha Lund
Only about a third of family businesses make it to a second generation beyond the founder. Conventional wisdom says that these firms falter because the owners didn’t have a succession Read More...
Category: Theory and Research
Authors: James Hoffman , Ritch Sorenson and Keith Brigham
It is well-known that only a small fraction of startups achieve long-lasting success. They often fail not because their idea is poor but because of problems executing on their idea. One area that is Read More...
Category: Theory and Research
Authors: Chuck Sacco and Aasim Sani
What would you like to see in the future? Some common answers to this question might include a cure for cancer or other chronic diseases, or technologies that can help feed the world in ways that are Read More...
Category: Theory and Research
Authors: Lisa Auster-Gussman and Daniel Forbes
In 2003 Noam Wasserman introduced the term “Paradox of Success” to describe how software company founders were more likely to be replaced as their startups attracted more capital or went Read More...
Category: Theory and Research
Authors: Jon Eckhardt , Marc Junkunc and Mingxiang Li
It’s been said (ruefully) that Ginger Rogers had to perform the same dance moves as Fred Astaire, only backwards and in high heels. Unfortunately, this also holds true for women seeking Read More...
Category: Theory and Research
Author: Kimberly Eddleston
“Every age has a theory about the past and the present, of what was and what is, a notion of time: a theory of history…Our era has disruption… [1] ” – Jill Lepore, David Woods Kemper ’41 Read More...
Category: Theory and Research
Author: Andrew King
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it." - W.C. Fields In the fall of 2010, Dejen Tesfiagiorgis sat in his tiny incubator office on Read More...
Category: Theory and Research
Authors: Alec Johnson and Jay Ebben
In 2000, the New England Patriots football team chose University of Michigan quarterback Tom Brady in the sixth round of the draft. He became the starting quarterback barely two years later, and on Read More...
Category: Theory and Research
Author: Jon Eckhardt
Health care is a hotly debated topic in the US -- how it's delivered, whether the government or employers pay for it, how research on promising new drugs is funded and other issues. "Innovation" is Read More...
Category: Theory and Research
Author: Eapen Chacko